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Joined September 2016

Horror junkie. I do a lot of writing, too. | PNW | https://linktr.ee/Nightshifthorror | she/her
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Spiral by Koji Suzuki
Space Invaders: A Novel | Nona Fernndez
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A dreamy novella about a group of childhood friends collectively remembering their childhood in 1980s Chile under Pinochet's military dictatorship and their growing realization of the violence around them.

I had to do some reading up on this as I knew nothing of this place and era. Really upsetting seeing children's childhoods cut short as adult things invade.

vivastory I've checked this one out a few times but have yet to read it. I've heard great things about it. 2y
night_shift @vivastory it's super short! Took a little over an hour for me to read. It's very good and led me down a bit of a rabbit hole regarding the history involved. 2y
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Sleepy puppy.
It's a bummer that it doesn't look like Killjoy is gunna do anymore for this series, but it was fun while it lasted! This one finds Danielle Cain and gang in small town Montana where some folks have come back to life. The vibe of this series was just so cool. Killjoy described it as anarchist Scooby-Doo and that's all I can ask for.

mabell So sweet 😍❤️🐶 2y
Bette That face! Totally relaxed. 🐶❤️ 2y
ShelleyBooksie I just want to snuggle that pup 2y
night_shift @ShelleyBooksie she js the best snuggle bug! ❤️ @mabell & @bette yes.. she us a sweet, happy puppy 🥰 2y
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Such a quick, cool read. Danielle Cain is a wanderer, but sets her sights on Freedom, Iowa to get some answers about a friend of hers that killed himself. There she finds a sorta free utopia where the law of the land is a 3 horned deer that slaughters anyone who takes advantage of anyone else.
For this being so short, the world and people in it feel pretty full/real. Already started the next one!
Also, such a pretty cover!

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It's a little late, but here are my stats from June! It was a decent reading month for me! And the things I'm reading now are pretty good, so that's a plus.

Also, happy fourth for everyone that celebrates fireworks day 🎆

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I've never read anything that so aptly describes my feelings. Damn.

What Big Teeth | Rose Szabo
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Thank you @Endowarrior21 for all the neat resin things! The bookmark is really pretty. My daughter already bust into the candy 😂 excited to get to the books!

And thanks @paperwitchs for hosting #SpookySummerSwap !! #SpookySummer

MrsGagnonreads2024 Your welcome 2y
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Jujutsu Kaisen, Vol. 1 | Gege Akutami
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Pretty cool and weird. The creatures looked neat and interested to see where the next volume goes as this left at a sorta cliff hanger 🙄

Skin Folk | Nalo Hopkinson
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The library had a lot of novellas today! I went a little overboard lol not sure where to start.. maybe just the top down?

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I haven't read any of Killadelphia, but I've put them all on hold as this tie-in series was just so cool! Nita fights demons (both in and out) with the help of her ghost brother, a reluctant cop, and someone I wasn't expecting but was neat to see.

The art is great - really gross, splattery deaths and that gritty, dark feeling over all that is my jam. I'll have to keep my eyes out for another volume!

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Sundial | Catriona Ward
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Wow, this was rough but very engaging! I couldn't stop listening and went back and forth on liking and hating Rob. But in the end, I liked her despite all her faults and I guess that's the point of the book.

Sundial sounds like it was probably pretty cool in its heyday, sans the dog experiments I mean.

night_shift TW below. 2y
night_shift Child abuse, spousal abuse, animal cruelty/experimentation/death, blood, needles (at least once in a pretty gross way 👁) 2y
DGRachel Thanks for the TW. I bailed early on, but left it on my “maybe later” shelf. With the animal cruelty/experimentation, I definitely won‘t try again. 2y
night_shift @DGRachel yeah, no problem! It's definately a little rough at times, so that's understandable! 2y
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Black Tide | KC Jones
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Beth, a burnout trying to get back on track, is housesitting on the Oregon coast when she meets Mike, a man at the bottom of a pit of depression. They hook up and wake up to a world changed in bizarre and disturbing ways. And then, they get trapped on a beach with an assortment of bloodthirsty monsters.

I liked this a lot. I knew all the places they talked about and felt the characters were relatable/likeable. The creatures sounded cool/scary.

night_shift Seriously, I will never not be incredibly upset when a brave doggo gets got. Rip Jake, you king of dogs. 😭 2y
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#SpookySummerSwap package is on its way as of yesterday, @EndoWarrior21 !! Hope it gets there alright 👍

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1. I think technically author is published and writer is not, but I use them interchangeably so 🤷‍♀️
2. Yeah, I am, but it's a little stalled right now.

#Two4Tuesday @TheSpineView

TheSpineView Thanks for playing! 2y
night_shift @TheSpineView thanks for posting interesting questions! 2y
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Mothers are the real MVPs here. Sho's mom kept the faith.

This picture is all that's left of the misplaced kids, of over 700 at the start, after insane adults, bloodthirsty monsters, hunger, thirst, medical emergencies, and unhinged kids wrecked through.

Unsure if that's enough diversity to restart humanity but at least they learned that lesson hard.

At it's heart, this is ecohorror, a warning. Or maybe prophecy 🤷‍♀️

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Just a volume of suffering. We get more of the why, but good lord the kids go lord of the flies to the extreme. Also, some crazy creatures!

Helpmeet | Naben Ruthnum
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Can someone make this a movie? Because there's some things I'd love to see on screen!

Louise is caring for her husband who is dying of a mysterious disease that has ravaged his body. He was a doctor, she a nurse, but neither can do more than accept the inevitability of his condition.

Interesting body horror short. Would be interested in reading more by the author!

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I mean, it is an interesting idea: a whole elementary school disappearing with its inhabitants to a future of just sand. The sort of natural instincts of people thrown into unfamiliar and terrifying situations play out here with many deaths and chaos. The art style is definately 70s manga and the attitudes towards women around that time too 🙄 but it was fun and I already have the next one!

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1. Just catching some alone time, if even for a few minutes, preferably outside.
2. Sometimes. Would love to more!
3. Depends on when I'm sleeping. During the day for work, total quiet. At night it's random.

#ThoughtfulThursday @MoonWitch94

MoonWitch94 I always feel better after standing outside, alone, in the grass, looking at the moon or listening to nature. It‘s such a good reset for my mind. Thanks for playing 🌙📖🙂 2y
night_shift @MoonWitch94 yes, your so right! Nothing better than getting out and touching some grass, staring at the stars, and listen to nature noises. Dang, wanna go camping now. Thanks for hosting! 2y
MoonWitch94 @night_shift Ohhhh yes! Camping 🏕 is the best! You‘re so very welcome 🤗 2y
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Ring | Koji Suzuki, Robert B. Rohmer, Glynne Walley
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This is definately dated by how attitudes towards women/sex and tech are displayed and it honestly wasn't scary, but I liked it. It's basically Asakawa traveling to beautiful places and researching in the digging through physical files and going to the library kind of way. I already have the 2nd book and I'm pretty curious to see how they break or if they do break the curse later on. Also heard this series gets weirdly scifi, so wanna see that.

night_shift Also, really love this cover. The book vs movie post will likely be posted sometime in June. I need to rewatch the American version first. 2y
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This book isn't listed yet, unfortunately.

This felt a lot like Gary Paulsen, with the adventure/survival aspects of Tyler entering this military-guarded, experiment-strewn forest in search of his father. But about 80% in, it definitely moves into adult territory and is a weird splatterfest. Bleak. Ending was one of two options I considered. Unsure if the other one would've been better.

Anyway, willing to pick up something else by this author.

Audition | Ryu Murakami
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Is this photo in poor taste?

Aoyama, 7 years a widow, decides he wants to marry again. Through a scheme with a friend, he meets Yamasaki Asami who is painfully beautiful and seems perfect. He becomes enamored with her, despite warnings from everyone that meets her.

TWs in comments, but this was as expected. Quite a lot of build-up to a somewhat shocking but predictable end. Watching movie soon.

night_shift TW: pet mutilation, pet death, mention of child abuse, cancer, mental illness, needles, violence, idk how to phrase it but being drugged? 2y
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Ritual | Steve Stred
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Tagged book isn't the correct one as this one isn't in the database (just submitted it).

Was only a buck on kindle and it just sounded interesting. So far, the writing isn't super jamming for me but it's got me into figuring out wtf is going on. I do really like survival stories and this pairs it with horror elementals (apparently). We'll see!

The Loop | Jeremy Robert Johnson
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Holy shit that was terrifying!

Science's new innovation has unexpected and disturbing results, flooding out over a small Oregon town.

I loved Lucy. She was a perfect main character, deeply flawed but brave. I so loved Brewer, too. 😭 the violence in this is just unreal and grotesque, but really did contribute to the plot. Just keep that in mind, I guess.

This was another long overdue Netgalley read.. deff need to find more from Johnson 😱

DogMomIrene 🤔 This review really makes me want to read this one, but the grotesque thing may be a problem. Have you read American Psycho? I tried reading that one and I remember Bateman killing a homeless man pretty early in the book, and I was like, nope, can‘t read this because the violence was just too vivid and grotesque. 2y
night_shift I haven't read that, but this may not be your jam if that's the case. One of the first death scenes has a kid jumping on someone and repeatedly smashing their head on the ground, to added sound effects. And that one's mild compared to some of the other violence. So yeah :/ 2y
night_shift @DogMomIrene I just remembered the first death was actually the kid repeatedly smashing a large book into a guy's face. Similar results, but trying to be accurate. 2y
DogMomIrene @night_shift Thanks. Sounds like I should pass on this one. Aw well😔 2y
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Remina | Junji Ito
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As always with Junji Ito, beautiful and weird.

Remina is a girl and a world-eating planet. When the world eater comes for Earth, people decide killing the girl will appease the world eater and save them.

Mass hysteria ensues and Remina spends most of the book running away from crazy people, but I think the ending was so satisfying 😌

The Hollow Places | T. Kingfisher
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I got this from Netgalley as an ARC eons ago and finally got around to reading it. I really regret not reading it sooner!

Carrot, fresh from a divorce and living in the spare room at her uncle's oddity museum, finds a portal in the back of the building that leads to another, strange world. This world seems empty, except for the willows, but Carrot and her friend soon find out that it is very much occupied.

Very creepy and fun book!

night_shift If I went to a little town and saw the Glory to God Museum of Natural Wonders, Curiosities, and Taxidermy... there would be nothing in the world that would stop me from going there. I love that kinda stuff! A really cool setting to have alongside of the hollow place beyond the wall.

Also, I'm finding out this is apparently a follow-up to The Twisted Ones, which I have sitting on my shelf - doh!
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Three short stories about haunted houses, of a sort. Full of melancholie and a bit eerie. I liked the middle story, The Ancestors, best with it's creepy night toys. But my favorite quote came from the third story, Florrie:
"Frank was overwhelmed by an unwelcome notion of age, its indignities, its steady erasure of who you had once been and the recycling of your tiny former position in the world."

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SKIN | Kathe Koja
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I finished this a couple days ago. Couldn't get everything put in words. Koja just has a way of putting you into these people on the fringe of society, feeling all their mixed up emotions. I kept expecting supernatural elements, like The Cypher, but there isn't. I was told this was Sapphic and yeah, I guess it is but expect no happy endings. I really want to see Tess's metal statues.. the first show before it all started going crazy sounded cool.

night_shift Started this some time in January, finished March 6th. 2y
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SKIN | Kathe Koja
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I'm still around, reading the tagged book slowly and a few library books. I've been super distracted by movies recently... pictured is just a few, I've watched over 30 this month so far 😅

Iron Widow | Xiran Jay Zhao
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5 outta 5 ⭐

😭😍 I really loved this! This is a sorta reimagining of Wu Zetian, an Empress in China during the 600s, except set in a scifi world with dope mechas (that disgustingly sacrifice girls to run). Zetian is relentlessly feminist throughout and made me mutter hell yes at many points. AND there's a polygamous relationship, which I loved. I called the twist at the end way early, but very stoked to get the sequel and see wtf she does!

night_shift Read Jan. 15-16 ⭐ MC uses mobility aid #PopSugarReadingChallenge ⭐ chapters have titles #The52BookClub2022 3y
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The Dating Dare | Jayci Lee
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Reading goal is 50 books (@ least), one nonfiction a month, several challenges, and gunna focus more on my physical books!


The tagged book is ok. I'm listening to it, but dunno if I'll finish it before it returns to the library (and dunno if I'll recheck it out) 🤷‍♀️

#ThoughtfulThursday @MoonWitch94

The Poisonwood Bible | Barbara Kingsolver
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Has anyone done cross-stitch before? I got this kit for Xmas... we'll see how it goes! I also picked up two library holds - these are 2 of 3 of my January TBR!

It's so rainy right now, perfect reading weather! 🌧📚

Reagan Hey! I got that for my sister @BRB_ImReading 🤣 3y
lynneamch Poisonwood Bible ❤💔 Still my fave of all of hers and maybe top 10 of all books. 3y
night_shift @lynneamch oh! Glad to hear it's good! I know very little about it! @Reagan haha.. cool! 3y
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Heartbreak for Hire | Sonia Hartl
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3 outta 5 ⭐

This was cute. I appreciated the like community/family aspects brought up here. Mark and Brinkley were a pretty good match. I really wish it had delved a bit more into Margo (wow, did I hate her) and I was so expecting a metal detector scene with a particular metal thing at the end lol
Also, I'd not go for the audiobook. This narrator was not great 😬

night_shift Read Jan. 1-5 ⭐ unorthodox (job) #fourfoursin22 @Lauredhel ⭐ pub'd by simon&schuster #The52BookClub2022 ⭐ living a double life #PopSugarReadingChallenge ⭐ space 2 #BookSpinBingo @thearomaofbooks (edited) 3y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3y
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Tokyo Ghoul, Vol. 7 | Sui Ishida
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3.5 outta 5 ⭐

Watching Ken's slow transformation is stressful. Obviously he's becoming more badass, but at what cost? I suppose that's the point. There's an extremely rough torture scene in this one and while Yamori gets his just dues, Ken is absolutely gunna be a different character after this.

night_shift Read Jan. 2-3, 2022 ⭐ filled space 17 for #BookSpinBingo (library find) ⭐ character w/superhuman abilities #The52BookClub2022 ⭐ has TV adaptation #ReadHarder ⭐ by author read in 2021 #PopSugarReadingChallenge 3y
WJCintron I LOVE kaneki Ken!!!! Have you seen the manga? LOVE it. My son cosplays as him from time to time. 😃 👍
night_shift @WJCintron nah, I haven't watched the anime yet! But I'll definately be making time once I'm done reading it! 3y
WJCintron 👍 @UnidragonFrag You're gonna love it!! 😃 3y
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Tidesong | Wendy Xu
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3 out of 5 ⭐

Absolutely beautiful art here, but just a mediocre MG read about confidence and communication. I think the ending wrapped up a bit too neatly, the adult characters changing their minds to really just move the plot along and not in a very organic way.

night_shift Graphic novel co-authored by this same one, that looks interesting: (edited) 3y
night_shift First read of 2022 (1/2/22) ⭐ About witches #PopSugarReadingChallenge ⭐ author w/X in name #The52BookClub2022#MG #GraphicNovel #Fantasy 3y
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Week 5 total: 4963

Grand total: 15045

#MistletoeManiacs #WinterGames2021 @Clwojick


So much fun! Happy new years, everyone!

Clwojick Amazing! Way to go! Thank you so much for joining us this year! 3y
night_shift @Clwojick woot! Yes, it was fun! Looking forward to the next one! 3y
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Week five game! I got 485 words and could've kept going but meh. My bookish goal for 2022 is to read 50+ books and get a nonfiction in monthly!

#MistletoeManiacs #WinterGames2021 @Clwojick



Hazel2019 Great goal! 3y
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So in 2022 I'm cutting myself slack with these. Lots of repeats because I'm only planning on 4 reads in January, but gave myself vague ones for all the randos I inevitably read 😅

#BookSpinBingo #BookSpin #DoubleSpin @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 3y
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This one was also very funny and interesting!


#MistletoeManiacs #WinterGames2021 @Clwojick



kellyann28 My husband and I love Drunk History 😂 3y
night_shift @kellyann28 same! It's too funny 😅 3y
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So what I'm getting is they'd be dead lol


#MistletoeManiacs #WinterGames2021 @Clwojick



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I think of these # 2, 4, and 10 are probably the best, but really it's in no particular order and I couldn't make a list of 21 😬

#Top21of21 #Top10of21

Garlic and the Vampire | Bree Paulsen
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1. the tagged book was so adorable! Some other books I read were fun, but this one is a clear winner 🧡

2. writing 2022 on everything at work 😂 I don't know, honestly.. getting started on all the reading/movie challenges I have planned?

#Two4Tuesday @TheSpineView

TheSpineView Thanks for playing and Happy New Year! 3y
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I always think Christmas trees look a little ominous from below 🤷‍♀️

In any case, week 4 total is 965 points!

#MistletoeManiacs #WinterGames2021 @Clwojick


Clwojick Amazing job! 😍 3y
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Playing catch up, sorry! Two bingos I got!

#MistletoeManiacs #WinterGames2021 @Clwojick


Jadams89 🎉📚👍🏻🎄🥳 3y
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Daniel Plays in the Snow | Becky Friedman
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Got a bingo with kid's books! The tagged book the kiddo got today and I'm not a huge fan of Daniel Tiger, but it was cute. Rest read over the last couple of days tagged below!

#MistletoeManiacs #WinterGames2021 @Clwojick



night_shift I need an oregon one now, too. 3y
night_shift The youngest yells 'no, no, no' anytime I start to read this. Pretty sure I'd be mad if someone got me all this shif lol 3y
See All 6 Comments
night_shift We were late on this and only moved the unnamed elf once 🤦 3y
Nute Merry Christmas, Michelle!💚🌟♥️ 3y
night_shift @Nute thanks, you too! 🎄🎉 3y
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+currently watching Frosty the Snowman!

#TeamMovie #MistletoeManiacs #WinterGames2021 @Clwojick



Untitled | Anonymous
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Merry Christmas all! Here's our tree the night before all those presents got shredded lol

#XmasTreeContest #MistletoeManiacs #WinterGames2021 @Clwojick


kspenmoll So pretty! Love your lights! 3y
night_shift @kspenmoll thanks! All my husband's doing. I think I hung one ornament?😂 Putting up the tree is not my fave. The sap and stuff makes my arms itch 😬 by it's so pretty and smells good!! 3y
CarolynM Merry Christmas 🎄🌟💕 3y
night_shift @CarolynM thanks, you too!! 3y
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Lots of movies, most Xmas (6) and a few even OK! :)

#MistletoeManiacs #WinterGames2021 @Clwojick



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Oh, this was good! Some of the stories were stronger than others (I particularly liked the swamp beast one) but they were all creepy and looked great!



night_shift Impulse read (10pts) 🎄 #BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks (space 2 - library hold) 🎄 #WinterCosy @PuddleJumper (9/20) 🎄 #AVeryMerryBingo @Jadams1776 (It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year) 🎄 #BFC21 @wanderinglynn (8/20 overall) 🎄 #HolidayHorrors @Patchshank (2/10) 🎄 1hr/6 readathons +1 for post 3y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 3y
Jadams89 👍🏻🎉🎄 3y
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The Mushroom Fan Club | Elise Gravel
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I really want to add this cute mushroom picture book to my bookcase. I am member of the mushroom fan club! They're fascinating and weird and I love keeping my eyes peeled for them while hiking/camping. 🍄🍄



night_shift Impulse read (10pts) 🎄 #BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks (space 22 free) 🎄 #WinterCosy @PuddleJumper (8/20) 🎄 #AVeryMerryBingo @Jadams1776 (Jingle Bells - bingo!) 🎄 #BFC21 @wanderinglynn (7/20 overall) 🎄 3y
TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! 3y
Jadams89 🎉🎄🎄 3y
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Garlic and the Vampire | Bree Paulsen
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This was too cute! Garlic was very relatable, but Carrot was freaking adorable 😍 very sweet story about humanoid veggies and a vampire, not judging people before you know them, and being brave. Really loved the art in here, too!

#MistletoeManiacs #WinterGames2021 @Clwojick



night_shift Impulse read (10pts) 🎄 #BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks (space 17 library hold) 🎄 #WinterCosy @PuddleJumper (7/20) 🎄 #AVeryMerryBingo @Jadams1776 (This Christmas) 🎄 #BFC21 @wanderinglynn (6/20 overall) 🎄 3y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 3y
Jadams89 🎉👍🏻🎄🎁 3y
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