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Cradles of the Reich
Cradles of the Reich: A Novel | Jennifer Coburn
14 posts | 11 read | 7 to read
Three women, a nation seduced by a madman, and the Nazi breeding program to create a so-called master race At Heim Hochland, a Nazi breeding home in Bavaria, three women's fates are irrevocably intertwined. Gundi is a pregnant university student from Berlin. An Aryan beauty, she's secretly a member of a resistance group. Hilde, only eighteen, is a true believer in the cause and is thrilled to carry a Nazi official's child. And Irma, a 44-year-old nurse, is desperate to build a new life for herself after personal devastation. All three have everything to lose. Based on untold historical events, this novel brings us intimately inside the Lebensborn Society maternity homes that actually existed in several countries during World War II, where thousands of "racially fit" babies were bred and taken from their mothers to be raised as part of the new Germany. But it proves that in a dark period of history, the connections women forge can carry us through, even driving us to heroism we didn't know we had within us.
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This story is based on untold historical events inside the Lebensborn Society maternity homes that existed during WWII. They had a "Program" to ensure that the German race is preserved and raised by good German families. Three women find themselves in precarious situations while trying to protect themselves and their unborn baby.

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A fascinating, but often disturbing, story about a little-known Nazi program to help breed Hitler‘s master race. Three women who are caught in this web and how they react is at the crux of this story. The author does an excellent job of differentiating the main characters to highlight differing circumstances and attitudes. Not a particularly easy read because of the subject, but well written and worth the time.

tpixie Great review! I totally agree! Writing this from the 3 different perspectives was an excellent choice. 7mo
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The paperback edition of the historical novel “Cradles of the Reich,” is released today.

The Associated Press called the novel one that “sets a high bar for historical fiction” and said “all historical novels should strive to be this well-researched, compelling, and just plain good.”

For more info about the story that tells of three women who meet at a Nazi baby breeding home, visit Jennifercoburn.com

Post information courtesy of the author.

Maggie_Reads I just finished this. Very eye opening and disturbing aspect of Nazi Germany. 12mo
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If you haven‘t read Cradles of the Reich yet…Jennifer has a deal for you!!


For a limited time, Cradles of the Reich will be available across all ebook platforms for $2.99 and hard cover for $12.80.

AMAZON BUY LINK: https://amzn.to/3o7liQQ

REVIEW LINK: https://tinyurl.com/2y8ccprz


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I completely forgot to share the books I got during the Barnes and Noble 50% off hardbacks sale! My B & N store was super picked over by the time I got there so I shopped online. They didn‘t have as big a selection so I got the bottom 2 books 50 % off and the next 2 books BOGO 50% off. The top book popped up as only $5 for some reason so I grabbed it too 🤣.

KristiAhlers Yeah of your store was anything like our store the majority of hardbacks flew off the shelves in the first two or so hours we were open. I easily rang up over 1k worth of sales myself that first day of sales. Gift cards right after Christmas made this a huge success for our store. 2y
candc320 @KristiAhlers that‘s amazing! Yeah it was really picked over or, sadly, they‘d have one copy of a book left that was damaged a little…torn covers and stuff ☹️. It‘s like people went wild! Meanwhile I‘m walking around with the gift card I got for Christmas like “hello….I‘d like to buy some books please 🤣”. As long as the sale was a success and lots of people got books it‘s all good! 2y
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If you love historical fiction, this is for you. Cradles Of The Reich is built around the German breeding program known as the Lebensborn Society. Basically, brothels that bred racially pure German babies. Gag! Anyways, this story is told from three sides, a pregnant woman who ends up in one of these homes, a passive nurse, and a Hitler go getter. And the pregnant girl‘s baby daddy is Jewish. A wealth of interesting info, and fun to read.

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This well written and well researched book opened my eyes to some hard truths while tugging at my heartstrings. This was a very emotional read, even disturbing at times. It was not an easy read, but a very worthy and needed read. Gundi, Hilde and Irma have been occupying my thoughts and I will not soon forget them. This book is historical fiction at its best.

Itchyfeetreader Sounds like my kind of book. Stacked it. Thanks 2y
DebReads4fun @Itchyfeetreader You‘re welcome. 2y
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Is anyone safe in Germany…especially the perfect female examples of the German race.

Ms. Coburn did amazing, thorough research on a topic I never knew about.

FULL REVIEW: https://tinyurl.com/2y8ccprz


Lynnsoprano Kathleen Parker used this book as the jumping off point for today‘s column. I‘ve added it to my TBR 2y
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Coburn has managed to create three very different characters who end up in a Lebensborn ( a racially pure breeding program) home in Nazi Germany. I enjoyed how she portrayed the range of attitudes towards the circumstances they found themselves in and once again learned something new about that period in history. While the setting is somewhat similar to “The School For German Brides“, the story is significantly different. I enjoyed it. 4 stars.

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Thank you @sourcebooks and @jennifercoburnbooks

Review will be on October 11.

The pin that came with the book says: CHOOSE TO RESIST.

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We meet women who are sent to Lebensborn Society maternity home to have a baby they are already carrying or to create a perfect child with an approved German officer.

Ms. Coburn did amazing, thorough research on a topic I never knew about.

Historical fiction fans will enjoy CRADLES OF THE REICH. 


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Video courtesy of the author.

Sounds like a book no one should miss!!

On sale October 11.

Link to video here: https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cgxj2WVFnYV/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

OR here: https://www.facebook.com/1336137915/posts/pfbid0tENyteGiaFiRdftoEWv4UM6jMWwQRC83...


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ENTER HERE: bit.ly/3uowKb7


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