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Joined May 2019


This is a fascinating little book that covers a few examples of how black people have influenced our broader culture through art and utilitarian devices despite living in a world of oppression. I only knew of one of these examples so I found it very informative. It‘s a short read too, could be done in one afternoon.

The Arctic Fury | Greer Macallister

This story follows Virginia Reeve, a young adventurer, tasked with leading an all female expedition into the Arctic to learn the whereabouts of a group of men who were on a ship known as the Terror. While Virginia makes it back alive, not all of her team is that lucky, and she finds herself on trial for the murder of Caprice Collins. Perhaps more terrifying for Virginia, is the prospect of her past being exposed to the world.


This is a non-fiction story about a woman and her husband who spend their spare time rowing/kayaking in the high latitudes near the arctic circle. In their day jobs they are avalanche experts in Alaska. Some really interesting information about kayaking and avalanches. I can say without a doubt that while her experiences sound fascinating, I would not want to trade places and row for 10 hours straight in icy water.


This is part fiction and part fantasy fiction. Plot surrounds 2 women who grow up believing they are faeries. But only one of them makes it to adulthood, and when she marries, she makes her husband promise her he won‘t dig into her past. Of course, secrets don‘t like to stay buried so he starts to pry. There are some interesting elements in the story. I wasn‘t quite as surprised by the ending as I thought i might have been. Still fun to read.


For those willing to brave the tongue bending Icelandic names, this is worthy tale. Set in the 1800‘s, this story covers the remarkable life of Captain Thuridur, a rule breaking woman who challenged basic gender roles by completing a successful career as a fishing boat captain in the harsh waters off Iceland‘s coast. Largely forgotten to history, Captain Thuridur is back to life and paid the honor she didn‘t seem to achieve when she was alive.


I chose this because I have a morbid streak. This wasn‘t quite what I thought it was going to be. The author rambles a lot about his early life traumas and why that led him to undertaking. There is a fair amount of talk of using illicit drugs as a sort of therapy, which is a little odd. I can‘t get behind some of the ideas presented. I would have liked a book more about the experiences he had than some of the more odd stuff.


A book for students of history. This covers the internment of the Japanese and the ensuing WW11 years that left a still young America feuding between being a land of opportunity for all and a vengeful super power. Lots of fresh, behind the scenes info about notorious WW11 era names, some more familiar than others, but all key in dictating policy that altered the lives of thousands of Japanese and Japanese Americans.

The Light Pirate | Lily Brooks-Dalton

Hold on tight if you‘re already panicked about climate change. This story follows Wanda, a young girl, born into the world in the middle of the hurricane that shares her name. Her mother dies giving her life, and as Wanda grows it becomes clear she isn‘t like her peers. She has special, almost magical qualities that she must use to survive as Mother Nature claims Florida back for herself. Wanda has to find her way, in spite of what the storms take


Two things to know about this story: you will be in awe and inspired by the life Fatima Ali led, short though it was, and you will ugly cry yourself through the sadness as you read about the heroic battle that Fatima Ali fought as cancer consumed her 29 year old body before she died in 2019. The impression I got was that Fatima Ali lived her life with such tenacity and vigor. She lived like us all, not expecting her end to be so near.


Another fascinating short story from the Rebel Girls. This one covering the short life of Ada Lovelace, who I hadnt heard of, but whose accomplishments in early math and computing still echo today. She lived in a time where women were believed to be inferior to men, but she forged her own way, never letting tone world limit her. She died in her 30‘s from ovarian cancer. She is an interesting character because she defied who society said shecouldbe


Another great short read from the Rebel Girls. This one is a standalone short story covering the life and legacy of CJ walker, an accomplished black woman who was an activist and a business woman at a time when no one really took women seriously, and black women even less so. Learned a lot, only takes about an hour to read. Great for someone who has little time, but still wants to learn something.


Second in a series, this is a follow up to Hello, Transcriber. This is a whodunit of the finest caliber. I thought as the story unrolled that I had figured out who was behind all the bedlam, and I was still wrong. We are back in Black Harbor, this time with Morgan, a wispy girl, trying to keep her mess of a life together after suffering years of abuse. A late night decision to stop for gas puts her in the center the homicide of a cop.


This has all the elements of a great story: high drama, a main character who is an underdog, a touch of romance, and a little magic. Lena is our heroine, afflicted with Polio as a baby, she lives her life in a wheelchair, with no one expecting her to one day walk. When a Jewish boy named Alexander enters her life, he asks why can‘t she walk? Who said she can‘t? Her life changes forever from there, and little Lena learns to walk.


Whether you are a fan of the series or new to it, you can enjoy this story. Rizzoli returns to investigate a nurse killed by a hammer in her own home. Despite this looking like a home invasion gone wrong, Rizzoli senses something isn‘t as it seems. This is a multi track investigatory novel, which gave me a little bit of a surprise about who has actually killed the nurse. I was on a different track. A solid installment in this series


I know these stories are intended for girls and young women, but I feel they are informative and important to know for women of any age. It‘s always important for women, especially women of color, to hear about people like them who are out there making change. It‘s always inspiring. This novel covers women and girls who are young and have decades of making more positive changes.


This is a complex, layered mystery built upon a mysterious murder in the exclusive Hotel Verbier. A mystery with many suspects that remains unsolved for years….till a well in known mystery writer and an inquisitive woman named Scarlette end up in the same hotel on the same weekend. Together they solve the mystery. Only critique is the length of the story and jumping around to numerous times in the storyline, which can create some confusion.


If you love historical fiction, this is for you. Cradles Of The Reich is built around the German breeding program known as the Lebensborn Society. Basically, brothels that bred racially pure German babies. Gag! Anyways, this story is told from three sides, a pregnant woman who ends up in one of these homes, a passive nurse, and a Hitler go getter. And the pregnant girl‘s baby daddy is Jewish. A wealth of interesting info, and fun to read.

Half Notes From Berlin | B. V. Glants

Set in 1933 Berlin, this story follows Hans, a teenage boy who learns of his own hidden Jewish ancestry just as Germany starts to turn on its own Jewish population. Hans falls for a Jewish girl complicating his legs even more. Story feels very authentic, was surprised to learn this is entirely fiction. Would have wished for more of a follow up on Hans and his love Rebecca after the story finished, but that was a little lacking


This story leads well in the beginning baiting us with a blood drenched, missing girl walking out of the woods. Mystery surrounds the younger sister who is still missing. Jonah Sheen and his unit catch the case and expect to get an easy confession from the older sister. Things become less clear when the older sister also disappears leaving a trail of breadcrumbs for detectives to follow. The case isn‘t what detectives expected.

The Ways We Hide: A Novel | Kristina Mcmorris

A fascinating story starring Fenna Voss, daughter of a Dutch immigrant, who after becoming fascinated with Houdini goes on to aid the British Government with making hidden devices capable of eluding enemy forces during WW11. Fenna is a fictional construction, but there are a lot of true elements in this story, and I didn‘t really know about this program, so there is a lot to learn. Along the way there is also some romance and suspense.


This is a memoir from a detective who worked in the homicide division of the Toronto police department for more than a decade. This book chronicles the cases that are most haunting from his time there. That said they‘re pretty disturbing cases. This novel also gives an insider look on the wear and tear on the investigator. If you can handle the sometimes graphic descriptions of awful homicides this is very well written.

The War Librarian | Addison Armstrong

This is a historical fiction novel that unravels along two time tables, one in 1918 and the other in 1975. It does take most of the novel to find out just how these two timelines are connected. It is well woven together with action, suspense, drama and a little romance. Also has a conclusion that sneaks up on you. The story itself is a little forgotten since the idea of librarians going overseas to serve has largely been lost to history.

The Mill | Cailyn Lloyd

This is a fun, modern ghost story set in the backdrop of a long abandoned paper mill that has been retrofitted into some upscale apartment buildings. Of course, like any old building, this building is full of ghosts. Aspiring psychic, Lilli, moves to the building hoping to contact tone other side and finds real evil also lives in the mill. This is suspenseful, and entertaining without being too dark.


I always enjoy the books in this series. This one is an activity book with a heavy lean toward young readers. I did the quizzes because why not, but it might be a little simple for the average person over about 12. So it would make a great gift idea for the young girl in your life


This is another fun, informative book in the Rebel Girls line. These books are targeted to young readers, but they are a great source of information about amazing women who defined history and women who are writing history as we speak. They are always a source of inspiration. If you happen to get a hard copy the book also has QR codes that you can scan for additional information.


This is a batch of stories inspired by one woman‘s experience as an immigrant from Zimbabwe. The stories are fictional, but they ring true, and can be raw and painful, or joyous. Whether they are true or not, these stories remind us all of the potential of those looking to make the US home, if they are only given the chance.


This is a memoir written by 97 year old Lily Ebert. At the tender age of 16, she and her family were sent to Aushwitz. 6 family members were sent there and only 3 survived. This is the story of the survival of Lily and her sisters and how she built a life in spite of being left destitute and near death in the spring of 1945. A story of a woman who reinvented reself time and time again. She fulfills her promise to make the world remember the horror

Scorpio Races | Maggie Stiefvater

Look a YA novel for a spin. This is well worth it. This is a story of down on your luck people doing extraordinary things, with a bit of magic. The magic here is provided by the water horses of Thisby Island. These at times monstrous creatures come out of the sea, eat meat, and are fast as the devil. The Scorpio Races draw the best and the eager every year for the chance at fame and the prize it brings. Who will survive is the question?

Outside | Ragnar Jonasson

A classic tale of secrets among friends. Secrets that are worth killing for and no one in this small group of 4 friends can be trusted. This is written I believe as a suspense, though it lacks that profound nail biting quality. The ending also leaves something to be desired as it ends without a real resolution.


This is a really interesting story. While this story follows Bill Harris, a US combatant fighting the Japanese across the Philippines. His story is both amazing and somewhat sad, as many WW11 stories are. We also have a whole batch of fresh information on the background of the war in the South Pacific and a brutal war in the Philippines I had never heard anything about. A fascinating historical account.


Novel 19 in this ongoing series. Good news is you don‘t need to have read the first 18 novels to keep up. This is a mystery that keeps its secrets till the near end of the book. It should be an open and shut case when an exonerated felon is assassinated by his vengeful victims father. That‘s until the father, standing accused of homicide, dies in the same manner as his victim. Dismas Hardy, retired detective, is here to solve the case.

Magpie | Elizabeth Day

Jake, Marisa, and Kate. 3 people brought together by the desperation of wanting a child. Marisa and Jake are the perfect couple, until the young, seductive Kate comes along and pulls Jake away. Or is it the other way around? This a psychological thriller that defines the importance of good mental health and how important it is to communicate. Can this relationship survive the desperate call of motherhood?

Friend of the Devil | Stephen Lloyd

This is a short novella for fans of the occult. Sam, a insurance investigator, and Harriet, a intrepid black girl with epilepsy, are the leads of this tale. Sam is called out to an unusual boarding school that sits on an island. There is a rare book that has gone missing. While Sam starts looking for the book, students start to disappear and there is rumor of strange rituals and grisly discoveries. A fun, and dark speed read.


Another inspirational set of short stories from the Rebel Girls. A great 30 minute read about women breaking boundaries and defying expectations in the world of business.


I had some conflicts with this story. Subject matter is really interesting. This covers a time in history when Afghanistan was a very different place, and the story of Charles Masson, a British Army deserter who became a archeologist was also really interesting, but the story is written from a first person/ and the more traditional point of view. The styles mix and I didn‘t really care for the style, it made things more confusing for me.

Watch Out for Her | Samantha M. Bailey

This is a classic suspense novel. Sarah Goldman, middle aged mom to Jacob, is stuck in a relationship rut, and since the birth of her son 6 years before she has really given up everything else to raise him. When the gorgeous med school dropout named Holly is offered up as a babysitter, Sarah is eager to get some help. Insecurities arise and secrets are exposed and Sarah fires Holly and moves her family away, but Holly is unable to let them go.


This is a real mixed bag. There are some interesting stroryline elements here I enjoyed the idea of this troubled soul on a mission to forgive the man that killed his mother. There are witches, and elves, necromancers, and really weird murders. On the other side there are quite few structural issues, with conflicting plot points and complex storylines with a completely fantastical cast of people and places, and very little background.

The Night Shift | Alex Finlay

This is a slow building thriller/ suspense story that begins with a hook as the preface begins in 1999 with the brutal slayings of 4 young people working the night shift at blockbuster. The sole survivor, Ella, grows up doing her best to live with her trauma, while the case goes cold and the only suspect vanishes. Now with a fresh set of killings, same town, same MO, the question becomes is a copycat terrorizing Linden or is the killer back again?


This is probably the lightest hearted murder mystery I have read in awhile. Our lead character, research assistant, Saffron Everleigh leads the charge investigating the apparent poisoning of a professor‘s wife at a fundraising dinner party. With the aid of the broody Alexander, Saffron sets out to identify the toxin, and maybe snare a poisoner. Saffron is an empowered, strong female lead, set in a time that didn‘t appreciate independent women.


I loved this book. While the subject matter is decidedly morbid, I found this story completely fascinating. From the case files of John Douglas, the founding father of the FBI‘s behavior analysis unit, this story follows John Douglas and his group of profilers as they build a picture of the unknown assailant that abducted, assaulted and murdered Shari Smith in 1984. This is an exhaustive step by step of what it took to solve this case.


This is a very short and sweet memoir that only took me about an hour to finish. Having never heard of the author I really had no idea why this story had been written. So it comes as a shock to learn the author passed away in 2019, at 48 years old. This somewhat fictionalized memoir draws from his childhood lessons, and traumas. At times both hilarious and sad, there are echoes of each of our own childhoods.


Book 7 in the series still keeping me on the edge of my seat, as The Nowhere Man attempts his most challenging case to date. When the beloved daughter of Aragon Urrea is abducted by a ruthless drug cartel, the only one who may be able to rescue her is orphan X, but will he take this case when the father himself is heavily involved in the drug industry? Full of edge of seat thrills and the kind of epic kick assing that only Orphan X can deliver.


I feel like this is a kind of take it or leave it topic. While there is a wealth of information here about a case I had never known anything about, and there is a wealth of information about the steps involved with charging a human trafficking case, but it is a little bit slow going in the grind of procedure. Good news is, the novel is on the short side


A great little novella all about inspiring women and girls who are working make the planet a better place for all of us. These stories are always inspiring. If I had one critique, I wish there were more of them. This takes about 30 minutes to read, and it‘s geared toward kids, so literally anyone can read it.


So even if you think you know poisons, I think you will learn something new from this fascinating book. This is a deep dive into the history and uses of toxic substances. It isn‘t terribly long, but it is comprehensive, and I found it completely fascinating. No need for a chemistry degree to understand the topic, it‘s presented in an easy to understand format.

Last Seen Alive | Joanna Schaffhausen

5 books in, Resident badass Ellery, faces her demons again, with a new face to face interview with Francis Coben. An interview she agrees to do in the hopes that he will give up the final resting place of another of his victims. Things promptly head sideways when Francis Coben stages an elaborate escape, and he re enters the world set to inflict fresh pain. With fresh blood being spilt, Ellery takes center stage against her nightmares.


It can be quite a tightrope to walk to make scientific arguments encouraging we human carnivores to embrace a vegan diet, without sounding like you are preaching. Yet that is what we get here. It is hard to argue with the logic and evidence provided here in favor of vegan diets. This is full of lots of interesting information, but is short and sweet so you don‘t get lost.

Flicker in the Dark | Stacy Willingham

This is a very twisty murder/ suspense story that keeps guessing almost to the last page. Chloe is a poster child for unresolved childhood trauma. Now in her early 30‘s, her life is deeply scarred by her dad‘s conviction as a serial murderer, who has now spent 20 years of a life sentence in prison for the murders of 6 young girls. While Chloe tries to move on, a new girl goes missing. Full of vivid imagery and lots of twists.


This is an interesting inside look at how the justice system works, from someone who acted as the arm of “justice” for the Department of Justice. I guess the most important takeaway here is that justice is neither blind in all cases, nor is justice as fair in all cases as it may seem. This is a valuable insight, and each case is quite interesting, and at times heart breaking.


Gina and Duncan… a young couple so much in love. As they make their way through Europe on an extended honeymoon, Gina takes a bad fall and while she recovers she loses her short term memory. There to save the day is doting Duncan. On the surface the relationship appears perfect, in the shadows, there seems to be 2 crazy people independently vying for title of craziest person in this relationship. An odd story of obsession.