Loving this on… beautifully written, each chapter a focus on a person with a really interesting relationship and experience of the sea. Really beautifully written - immediately want to find everything this author has written.
Loving this on… beautifully written, each chapter a focus on a person with a really interesting relationship and experience of the sea. Really beautifully written - immediately want to find everything this author has written.
I‘m in love with these end papers! And what better day than the hottest day in the U.K. ever on record , to read a book all about different ways we‘re draw to seas and oceans. ♥️
This is a soothing and soul-restoring read, featuring various intriguing personalities & detailing their intimate relationships with the sea. The descriptions of the sea & the activities that take place on & next to it are vivid & evocative, gently poetic & strangely calming & comforting - the author makes writing this well seem so easy! Loved the chapters about 'wrecking', collecting cowrie shells and free diving. Interesting & thought provoking.
Today's read. Definitely feeling the draw of the sea today as it's quite warm in the UK and a cooling dip is just what I need! Would prefer it to be in the Aegean rather than the North Sea but beggars can't be choosers!