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My #SeasonalCozies August selection is Betrayal at the Beach, downloaded to my Kindle for free yesterday thanks to @Read4life ‘s post. 😃

What will everyone else be reading?

BarkingMadRead Ohhhhh I have to pick mine! 7h
Librarybelle I‘m picking this weekend! 7h
Read4life Love those free ebooks!!! 🥰 3h
Graciouswarriorprincess This is my August pick from Kindle Unlimited. 3h
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Small Great Joys | Danielle Carriere
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#5JoysFriday @DebinHawaii

Pork BBQ recipe: Put a Boston Butt in the slow cooker. Dump a bottle of your favorite BBQ sauce over it. Cook on low all day. Shred and put on a hamburger bun. Add more sauce if desired. Enjoy!

Anyone else want to play?

julieclair #LitsyLoveBingo This Barbecue recipe is one of my #FavoriteSummerFoods . Along with farm fresh corn on the cob, tomatoes, lady peas, and those adorable Fairy Tale eggplants. Oh, and ice cream, of course! #LitsyLove @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Read4life @TieDyeDude 8h
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Oh no 😟 copperhead! So glad it‘s gone! 8h
Deblovestoread More snake! Eek!😱 8h
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kspenmoll Your barbecue menu- I am drooling! 6h
dabbe #wtf A copperhead? 😳😲😱 3h
RedxoHearts I'm glad they were able to remove it. Not too long ago we had a run in with one at my front door. It's lucky none of the dogs or me stepped on it before I noticed. 3h
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My #SummerBucketList 😀 I have completed all of these except the picnic. But for all of these, there‘s no such thing as too much or too often. 😉
#LitsyLove #LitsyLoveBingo @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Read4life @TieDyeDude

kspenmoll I see a yummy picnic in your near future! 1d
BennettBookworm What a great list!! 1d
julieclair @kspenmoll Yes! Next week. My grandkids are coming to visit. 😀 22h
julieclair @BennettBookworm Thanks! 💙 22h
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 💛💛💛 8h
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Bingo Love | Tee Franklin
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#LitsyLove members… August begins one week from today! Time to finish up July‘s #LitsyLoveBingo board and turn in your totals to @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks . Each row is worth one point, and a coverall is worth 10 points. Have fun with it!
@TieDyeDude @Read4life

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks ❤️🤍💙 8h
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#TLT #ThreeListThursday
Thanks for the tag, @dabbe

My 3 favorites this week:
1. Chain of Fools - Aretha Franklin
2. Scenes from an Italian Restaurant - Billy Joel
3. Sweet Dreams Are Made of This - Eurythmics

Want to play, @Avanders @kspenmoll @CatLass007 ?

Everyone is invited to play. See @dabbe ‘s original post for details.

dabbe 🖤 your choices! Thanks for playing and sharing! 🤩🤩🤩 1d
Avanders Fun favorite songs! 😄 12h
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#WondrousWednesday Thanks for the tag, @Eggs !

1. My first and middle name.
2. Puzzle, crafts, drive, household chores.
3. The last audiobook I finished was Little Women.

Anyone else want to play?

Eggs I love your name, it‘s like a song 🎶 2d
julieclair @Eggs What a sweet thing to say! Thank you! 💙 1d
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Small Great Joys | Danielle Carriere
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#5JoysFriday @DebinHawaii
I absolutely love this weekly exercise in gratitude!
Want to play @TheBookHippie @dabbe @kspenmoll ?

dabbe Will do; thanks for the tag! And thank goodness your son's okay! A snakebite? Holy guacamole, Batman! 😱 1w
Deblovestoread 1) Terrifying! So glad it wasn‘t bad. Lovely list! 1w
kspenmoll Thanks for the tag! OMG so glad your sin is ok!🐍 7d
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julieclair @dabbe @Deblovestoread @kspenmoll Yeah, it was pretty scary, because he didn't see the snake - just felt it and saw the fang holes and blood - so he didn't know until he got to the hospital and they could test it. Ugh. 5d
dabbe @julieclair Wowza! 😳😱😅 5d
DebinHawaii A wonderful list! 💛💛💛 Yay to your son being okay-that is very scary! 😱 And fresh 🥒 & cool mountain breezes sound so refreshing! Thanks for joining in & for spreading the joy! 🤗 5d
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#ThreeListThursday #TLT @dabbe
Got distracted and forgot to post this yesterday. 🤦‍♀️
Despite my dismal score, this quiz was still a fun musical trip down memory lane.
Thanks for the tag, @Cuilin ! 😀

Cuilin I realized I missed the Fleetwood Mac song. That would definitely have been in my top three too. ❤️ Fleetwood Mac. 1w
julieclair @Cuilin The whole Rumours album. Iconic. 1w
dabbe 🩵 your choices! Thanks for playing and sharing! 🤩🤩🤩 1w
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1. Never find out the ending. I would just assume it ended just the way I wanted it to.
2. Meet my favorite author. Jane Austen.
3. Romance for sure, even though I do love mysteries.
4. Historical Fiction, hands down.
5. Skip the last book. (See my answer to #1! 🤣)

Thanks for the tag, @Eggs ! These were great questions. Anyone else want to play?

Eggs Thanks for playing 🩵🦋💙 1w
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#WhatsNewWednesday #litsycrafters

I tried Diamond Art and I'm loving it! It's a perfect relaxing activity for #AudioCrafting. So far, I've made 3 coasters out of a set of 8.

@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Read4life @TieDyeDude @Catsandbooks

dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 1w
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Beautiful 😍 1w
Leftcoastzen Very nice ! 1w
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Read4life Gorgeous!! 💙💙💙 1w
KadaGul @julieclair Jewel 💎 art 🖼️ is incredibly popular these days! I've heard it's super relaxing 😌🙂‍↔️and mesmerizing! 1w
LiseWorks I like it too! 1w
julieclair @KadaGul It‘s worth a try - my guess is that you will enjoy it! I started with the coasters so I could feel a sense of accomplishment quickly. 😆 1w
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Staycation | Dennison Berwick, Simone Pertuiset
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Your #staycationintime24 box is on its way to you, @kspenmoll ! Boy, did I have fun shopping for this! 🇫🇷

#staycationintime #staycationintimeswap
@Chrissyreadit @DinoMom

Chrissyreadit 🎉💛🎉💛 1w
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A Very Long Engagement | S'Bastien Japrisot
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In this historical novel set in World War I France, a young woman suspects her fiancé did not die at the front, even though all the official evidence says he did. Heartsick, she becomes obsessed with finding out the truth. The plot is complicated, and the ending was not what I was expecting. ⬇️

julieclair Although I listened on audio, I think reading the book would have been better. There were so many names of French people and places, that I had difficulty keeping track of them all, particularly since the narrator used French pronunciation. #BookedInTime @Cuilin 1w
Cuilin ✅🎉🫶 nice review 1w
dabbe On the spreadsheet! 🤩 1w
julieclair @dabbe Yay! Thanks. I really enjoy that spreadsheet- so helpful. 1w
julieclair @Cuilin Thanks! 💙 1w
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Undine | Friedrich de La Motte Fouque
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This tale totally drew me in. It was mesmerizing, but so sad.
#KindredSpiritsBuddyRead @BarbaraJean

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Just not the right season for me. Rather than sympathizing with Mia, I found that she just annoyed me. Off to the Little Free Library it goes. #HailTheBail

Live and Let Chai | Bree Baker
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I totally enjoyed this first-in-series cozy mystery. I liked all the characters, especially the main character, Everly. I loved the coastal North Carolina setting. The mystery kept me guessing up until the end. I‘m looking forward to reading the next book in the series, and hoping that Everly‘s friendship with the new police detective, Grady, turns into something more!
Thanks to @Avanders for putting this one on my radar!

Karisa What a title! 😂 Now I have Guns and Roses in my head! 😅 2w
TEArificbooks Loved this series 2w
Avanders Yay I‘m glad you liked it!! ☺️♥️ 2w
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julieclair @Karisa 🤭 Yup! Earworm. 🎶🐛🎶 2w
CoffeeNBooks I think I'll read this one for August- it sounds good! 2d
julieclair @CoffeeNBooks Yay! I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. 🤗 2d
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Mockingbird Summer | Lynda Rutledge
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1. Seinfeld
2. Monopoly, Risk, Clue
3. I‘m currently reading Mockingbird Summer (tagged), which features a Black girl playing on an all-White church girls‘ softball team in Texas in 1964.

Thanks for the tag, @Eggs ! Anyone else want to play?

Eggs #3 sounds really good! 2w
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#Two4Tuesday @TheSpineView

1 - Somewhere - anywhere - quiet and peaceful, with a gorgeous view of sparkling water, and temperatures in the low 80s.
2 - I would like to read a romcom or cozy mystery set in that location. And also a nonfiction book about the local history.

Thanks for the tag, @Read4life !
Anyone else want to play?

Read4life You‘re welcome! 🤓 2w
TheSpineView Sounds like a wonderful holiday! Thanks for playing 2w
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A Thousand Ships | Natalie Haynes
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Incredible story, beautifully told. The Trojan War from the women‘s point of view. Mesmerizing. Great choice for #LiteraryCrew, @Librarybelle !
#Pantone2024 @Lauredhel @BarbaraBB

BarbaraBB Nice 🧡 3w
Librarybelle Such a great book! 3w
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Small Great Joys | Danielle Carriere
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1. Watching the mullets jump in the lagoon behind our house.
2. Planning our September trip to Wales.
3. Our son & daughter-in-law are visiting for the long weekend! Fun pontoon boat ride!
4. The beach!
5. I live in a free country. 🇺🇸 ♥️🤍💙

kspenmoll Jumping mullets! Wales- I‘d love to visit one day- enjoy planning! Family visit, pontoon boat, USA 4th reminding us of our freedoms.😀❤️🤍💙 3w
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Beautiful photos! 3w
DebinHawaii A lovely list of joys! 💛💛💛 I love all of your photos too. Those mullets! 🐟 Thanks for sharing & spreading the joy! 🤗 3w
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1. No. They see me as an extrovert, but I‘m really an introvert.
2. Friendly, honest, kind, faithful-filled.
3. I see @Librarybelle as caring, friendly, intelligent, insightful and organized.
Thanks for the tag, @Eggs !

All are tagged!

Librarybelle That is so sweet! Thank you so much. You have made me day, Julie! ❤️❤️❤️ 3w
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks ❤️❤️❤️ 3w
julieclair @Librarybelle I‘m so glad! 💖 3w
Eggs Wonderful❣️ Thanks for playing🥳 3w
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Kindled Love | Steve C. Roberts
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I have some fun choices for #ReadYourKindle this month! Thanks for hosting, @CBee !

CBee Looks great 😊 3w
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What a delight to come home from vacation to find some #LitsyLove and #LitSolace surprises in my held mail! Thank you, @TheBookHippie @Sace @AllDebooks @Texreader @WorldsOkayestStepMom @kspenmoll @Chrissyreadit ! You made my day! 💌📪💙

Texreader 😃 3w
TheBookHippie ♥️ 3w
dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 3w
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 💛🤍💛 3w
kspenmoll 💛💛💛 2w
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#WhatsNewWednesday We bought a bunch of plants at our neighborhood plant sale, and actually planted them! We are NOT gardeners, lol. We'll see what happens! 🌱🌿🤞😉
#LitsyLove #LitsyLoveBingo @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Read4life @TieDyeDude

Read4life I‘m definitely not a gardener. Good luck with your plants. 🌱 3w
Crazeedi Good luck!! 3w
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 💚💚💚 3w
dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 3w
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Swapsies | Fiona Roberton
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@kspenmoll My #StaycationinTime box has arrived! Yay!!! Can't wait to open it! 😀

I'm still looking for one more item before I'm ready to mail yours. I know what I want, I just have to find it! 😉

@Chrissyreadit @DinoMom

kspenmoll You have plenty of of time before opening day! I am glad the box arrived safely. (edited) 3w
DinoMom Amazing 3w
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BookSpinBingo | Untitled
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My #BookSpin selections this month are something from my #Roll100 choices, and Mockingbird Summer for my IRL book club.

TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! Enjoy!! 3w
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This is my #ReadOrDonate choice for July. Some of you have already posted. What is everyone else reading? 🤔 I love seeing everyone‘s choices! 🙂

PuddleJumper Probably the book I accidentally stole from the library. I think I've had it going on a year so I'll try and read that and give it back 😅 4w
TheAromaofBooks I think I'm going with the tagged book - I picked it up on a whim a year or so ago because the premise does sound fun. Hopefully it's not terrible 😂 So far I am 6/6 donating after reading LOL 4w
Allylu Our Friends of the Library group is collecting books for the annual book sale, so I will be donating a bunch this month. 4w
rmaclean4 I am in a romance mood, Funny Story by Emily Henry. 4w
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Roll the Dice | Wayne Avrashow
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My July #Roll100 lineup. I‘m excited about these! Thanks so much for hosting, @PuddleJumper !

PuddleJumper 🎉🎉 4w
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Various | Magazines
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Hello Blitzers! It‘s time to gather up our July issues old and new for our #MonthlyMagazineBlitz. Hopefully we will all have some lazy summer days where we can just lounge around reading magazines! (A girl can dream… )

I have actually had some success this month in depleting my backlog of May & June issues. How did everyone else‘s month go?

TheBookHippie I got the backlog gone and dropped off 🎉🎉🎉🎉 books & magazines ! Phew. 4w
Roary47 I need to get back in the game here. 4w
mcctrish Summer is when I actually buy them ❤️❤️ 4w
Crinoline_Laphroaig I just shoveled them into my book closet. 😂 And speaking of shoveling, just finished a big gardening project. Weeded and mulched front flowerbeds. Hoping for more time in July. 4w
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BookSpinBingo | Untitled
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My July #BookSpin list! 😀

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 4w
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Bingo Love | Tee Franklin
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It‘s almost July, #LitsyLove members! Here is our new #LitsyLoveBingo card. Have fun with it!

And, if you played #LL Bingo in June, please remember to get your points totals to Misty @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks .

@Read4life @TieDyeDude

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks ❤️🤍💙 4w
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Live and Let Chai | Bree Baker
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@Avanders enjoyed this summery book as her June #SeasonalCozies pick, so I‘ve decided to read it for July. A few of you have already posted your July choices. What will everyone else be reading?

Librarybelle I‘m behind on reading my choices, but it won‘t stop me from picking the July one! 😂 I am selecting this one: 1mo
Graciouswarriorprincess I‘m still reading my June pick and with school, work plus my part time job, I haven‘t thought about July yet. 1mo
JessieKB I am so behind but I am aiming for this one. 👙❓☀️🕶️ 1mo
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BarkingMadRead Ohhhh this is so fun, how did I miss this?!? 1mo
sblbooks I'm not 100% sure what season this one is, but the setting reminds me of Summer. 1mo
Avanders Yay hope you like it!! ☺️ I thought I‘d already announced my July, but apparently not! I‘m planning on reading this one: 1mo
TEArificbooks @Librarybelle I liked that one so much I read all the books in the series except the first one so far 4w
Librarybelle @TEArificbooks I‘ve read the first one and liked it! 4w
julieclair @Librarybelle @JessieKB @sblbooks @Avanders These all look like fun choices! 😃 4w
julieclair @Graciouswarriorprincess Goodness! I‘m impressed you have time for any reading at all. 💙 This is such a low-key challenge… feel free to make your June pick your June/July pick! 😘 4w
julieclair @BarkingMadRead Want to join us? It‘s never too late for me to add you to the tag list! 😃 We also have a StoryGraph challenge if you like those: https://app.thestorygraph.com/reading_challenges/eea8f8fe-5afb-495b-8c57-9c1c5be... 4w
BarkingMadRead Yes!! Please add me! I don‘t have story graph but I‘ll follow along here! 😍 4w
Graciouswarriorprincess @julieclair Thank you but I am almost finished with the June pick 4w
Allylu I'm planning to read “S'more Murder Camping Girl“ by Josephine Beintema since many people go camping in July. Hope it's good. 4w
julieclair @BarkingMadRead Okay, you‘re now an official SeasonalCoziette! 😆 So glad you‘ve joined us. 4w
julieclair @Graciouswarriorprincess Good for you! 😀 4w
julieclair @Allylu That sounds like a cute series! 4w
DebinHawaii Continuing with the second book in the series for my June choice as it‘s set in July! 4w
julieclair @DebinHawaii No one has posted about that book on Litsy yet. You‘re a trailblazer! 😀😘 4w
julieclair @Graciouswarriorprincess I really do need to read some of that series. I love the Outerbanks! 4w
Graciouswarriorprincess @julieclair It‘s one of my favorite places to visit. I had never been there prior to moving to NC and now I love it. Plus, I have visited Bode lighthouse multiple times which is one of the book settings. 😊 4w
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Happy Friday | Blue Ridge Art
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#5JoysFriday @DebinHawaii

If you are reading this, consider yourself tagged! 😀

kspenmoll What a week of true joy! Loved reading this post. 1mo
TheBookHippie YAY!!!! ♥️ 1mo
julieclair @kspenmoll 💛💛💛 4w
DebinHawaii A lovely list of joys! 💛💛💛 Yay to the new dishwasher 🎉& collage journaling is one of my favorite hobbies! Thanks for joining in & spreading the joy! 🤗 4w
julieclair @DebinHawaii Any and all collage journaling tips welcome! 4w
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I really enjoyed this cozy (but not “cutesy”) mystery. The characters were interesting, and I loved that the main character was a librarian! There were numerous options as to who might have “dunnit”. Kept me guessing until the end. I really enjoyed the setting on England‘s Isles of Scilly. Now I want to go there! This was the first in a series, and I can‘t wait to read more!
This was my #SeasonalCozies pick for June.
#ReadYourTBR @melissajayne

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Appropriate title, because the relationship between the two main characters is utterly charming. I was rooting for them throughout. Supportive and caring friends rounded out this great cast of characters. I appreciated the way the author dealt with mental health issues - realistic and non-judgmental. And the insights into “reality “ tv were interesting (and a bit disheartening, to be honest.)
#LittensLoveRomance Thanks for hosting, @StayCurious !

CarolynM I enjoyed this one a lot too🙂 1mo
StayCurious Glad to read with you as always! 1mo
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100 Great Quotes by Thomas Jefferson | Farhad Hemmatkhah Kalibar
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“I cannot live without books.” - Thomas Jefferson
This has always been one of my #FavoriteQuotes .
Thanks for the tag, @Eggs !
Want to play, @CoffeeNBooks , @AllDebooks , @Gissy , @Bookpearl ?

Eggs So good and it‘s true 🥳 1mo
Deblovestoread One of mine as well 💜 1mo
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Our new dishwasher was finally delivered yesterday. Woo hoo! No more hand washing!

#WhatsNewWednesday #LitsyLove #LitsyLoveBingo
@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Read4life @TieDyeDude

JessieKB That‘s great news!!! 1mo
Read4life Woohoo! 💙💙💙 1mo
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kspenmoll Celebrate!!!!🎉 1mo
Avanders Woo hoo! 🤍🤍🤍 1mo
Leftcoastzen Yay! 1mo
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Just so sweet. A young couple in their first year of marriage, “adulting” 1920s style. Watching their pennies (have to have enough to pay their cook and housekeeper 😂), learning to handle disputes, navigating the ups and downs of daily living, and facing everything together with love and tenderness . A portrait of the first year of what will almost certainly be a happy marriage.


Tamra 😅 😉 I would volunteer to watch my pennies to pay for domestic staff. 1mo
jlhammar Definitely see a happy marriage for those two. Wonderful review! 1mo
Aimeesue What a lovely floral background! 1mo
LeahBergen Lovely review. And I totally foresee a happily ever after for them! 1mo
CarolynM Lovely review❤️ 1mo
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Bingo Love | Tee Franklin
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#LitsyLove members… June is winding to a close! But you still have a few days to complete your #LitsyLoveBingo rows. Be sure to tag @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks with your total points to be entered in the prize drawing - one point per completed row, 10 points for a coverall. Have fun!
@Read4life @TieDyeDude

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 💙💙💙 1mo
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Yum, Yum, Yummy | Martin Waddell
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Since so many of us are trying to cope with extreme heat, I thought I‘d share this ridiculously easy but very yummy summer treat!
#LitsyLoveBingo #LitsyLove @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @TieDyeDude @Read4life

Kerrbearlib Yum yum! 1mo
Read4life Sounds so good! 1mo
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The Sky Club | Terry Roberts
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The main character is a smart, independent, modern-thinking woman in 1930s Asheville, NC. The Depression and Prohibition both figure prominently in the plot. Spare, reflective writing. Superb sense of time and place. 5 stars.

I read this for my irl book club, and I can‘t wait for our discussion! So much to talk about with this one.

kspenmoll Stacked! 1mo
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#5JoysFriday @DebinHawaii

We have escaped to the Blue Ridge Mountains to get a break from the heat! So many joys here…
1 - The view! I never tire of it.
2 - Moonlight from the full moon streaming into my bedroom last night. (Found this pic on the internet, as I am not a good enough photographer to capture anything but a blurry moon, lol.)
3 - Sweet pink flowers that have bloomed in our absence. ⬇️

julieclair 4. Morning sunlight streaming through the stained glass my niece brought home from her study abroad in England. 5. Not pictured: watching the car thermometer drop from 89 to 75 degrees as we climbed to the top of the mountain. (edited) 1mo
kspenmoll Full moon streaming into your room?! Gorgeous photos of your escape!!! 1mo
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dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 1mo
Eggs Gorgeous photos! Enjoy 😊 1mo
sblbooks Welcome! That's where I live. 1mo
julieclair @kspenmoll @dabbe @Eggs Thank you! We‘re having a wonderful time. 😀 1mo
julieclair @sblbooks How fun! We‘re in Brevard, NC. The Blue Ridge Mountains are just so gorgeous, aren‘t they? 1mo
sblbooks @julieclair sure are 1mo
DebinHawaii A wonderful list of joys! 💛💛💛 The Blue Ridge Mountains ⛰️ are on my bucket list! The photos are gorgeous. Thanks for sharing & spreading the joy! 🤗 1mo
julieclair @DebinHawaii I hope you get to visit here someday! 1mo
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Shady Hollow | Juneau Black
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Oh my goodness, @Chrissyreadit ! These #NaturalitsyMidsummerSwap surprises! Everything is perfect! Who knew there was such a thing as Bridgerton tea? Even the package is beautiful. And those note cards… each one is different! The yummy honey, gorgeous tea towel, wonderful produce bags for trips to the farmers market, and the BOOKS! How did you know I‘ve been dying to read the Sleepy Hollow series?! Many thanks, my friend. I am delighted. 💛

Chrissyreadit 💛☀️💛 1mo
AllDebooks Beautiful x 1mo
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1 - I started 2024 with a reading goal of 120 books. And also to read books I already own.
2 - I love making reading plans, lists, spreadsheets, tracking charts, etc!
3 - I learn so many things from my reading. It expands my world, and my understanding of differing opinions and cultures.

Thanks for the tag, @Eggs ! Good questions!

Eggs Lovely post!! Thanks for joining in🥰🥰 1mo
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This Kindle sleeve is so pretty, @KateReadsYA ! Did you make it yourself? Thank you for doing this Giveaway. So kind!

To enter, share this post and tag @KateReadsYA . 😀

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#5JoysFriday @DebinHawaii

1 - Finding a picture of a Trade Card from the London Glass Shop where my 4G Grandfather worked in the 1820s.

2 - Summer recipes from the “Queen of Beach Reads”!

3 - A friend introduced me to Mexican Fried Ice Cream. Yum!

4 - The beautiful yellow-crowned night heron who visits my backyard to fish in the lagoon.

5 - The 1000 piece puzzle I‘m working on. Perfect for #audiopuzzling 😃

Thanks for the tag, @Eggs 🥰

kspenmoll These are wonderful! Love the card where your grandfather worked-what a find! 1mo
RaeLovesToRead 1 is so cool!!! 💕💕 1mo
Eggs Lovely pix👏🏻👏🏻 Love puzzles 🧩 1mo
DebinHawaii A lovely list of joys! 💛💛💛 That card, what a find indeed! And I love herons! Thanks for sharing & spreading the joy! 🤗 1mo
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Pride and Prejudice | Jane Austen
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#WondrousWednesday … two days late! 🤪

🌷I really want to try Louise Penny‘s Still Life, and The Court of Thorns and Roses. Both are first books in series I think I will love.

🌼 The Covenant of Water. I just couldn‘t get into it enough to make me plow through all those pages.

🌺 Pride and Prejudice. I totally loved Jane Austen‘s dry wit, and instantly became an Austen fan for life!

Great questions, @Eggs ! 💙 Thanks for the tag, @Cuilin ! 💙

Eggs Thanks for joining in! I think you‘d love the Penny series. I listened to them on audio ~ great narrator voice and rich characters💗 1mo
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Swapsies | Fiona Roberton
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Swapsies | Fiona Roberton
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@Chrissyreadit Yay! It's here! So excited!
Yours is going out tomorrow. 😀
#NaturalitsyMidsummerSwap #NLMSS
@jenniferw88 @AllDebooks

Chrissyreadit 💛💛💛💛💛 1mo
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The Women: A Novel | Kristin Hannah
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This book was incredible. Kristin Hannah did an amazing job of telling the stories of the combat nurses who served in Vietnam - a group of veterans who, even today, remain largely forgotten and unacknowledged. Spanning two decades, from the early 1960s to the building of the Vietnam Memorial Wall in the early 1980s, this book immerses the reader in the lives of the nurses in vivid detail. ⬇️

julieclair It truly recreates the atmosphere of life in Vietnam during the war, and unflinchingly portrays the veterans‘ experiences of life in America once they came home. An important book, and one every American - especially women - should read. 1mo
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Summertime Fun | Darlene Beazer-Parker
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