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Four Found Dead
Four Found Dead | Natalie D. Richards
10 posts | 9 read | 5 to read
The last show has ended, but the nightmare is just beginning. Tonight, Riverview Theaters is closing forever, the last remaining business in a defunct shopping mall. The moviegoers have left, and Jo and her six coworkers have the final shift, a shift that quickly takes a dark turn. First a stranger arrives with a chilling accusation. Then the power goes out and their manager disappears, along with the keys to the lobby doors and the theater safe, where the crew's phones are locked each shift. The crew's tension turns to terror when Jo discovers the dead body of one of her co-workers. Now their only chance to escape the murderer in their midst is through the dark, shuttered mall. With its boarded-up exits and disabled fire alarms, the complex is filled with hiding places for both pursuer and pursued. In order to survive this night, Jo and her friends must trust one another, navigate the sprawling ruins of the mall, and outwit a killer before he kills them all.
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Four Found Dead | Natalie D. Richards

Overall, this book was entertaining and easy to listen to. Four Found Dead was the first book I‘d read, a mall murder mystery, and I had fun as the story went on. The premise caught my attention, but the narrator and the suspense, tension, and creepy slasher vibe had me playing the movie in my head. It‘s an excellent pick for a book club to discuss or even a little palette cleanser between heavier or longer books!

Four Found Dead | Natalie D. Richards
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I have read 1 other book by this author (Five Total Strangers). I gave that one a 1 star for the exact reason I gave this one 2 stars. The ending. There is just absolutely no explanation to the ending. Exactly what happened in the other book. What was the motive? Also, I just don't like in books when it is constantly referring back to something else that happened. It was just too much. Literally every other page. It was getting repetitive.

dabbe #fanofthepan! 🤩🤩🤩 5mo
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Four Found Dead | Natalie D. Richards
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Mother's Day treats from my hubby that I'm looking so forward to reading with this evening! Wine, ice wine chocolates, and 2 big bags of gourmet popcorn 🍷🍫🍿 📚

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Go hubby!! 💙 5mo
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Four Found Dead | Natalie D. Richards
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Sick as all get out this morning, but luckily my mom is visiting, so while she entertains my little guy, I get to stay in bed with a book and a slice of my husband's leftover bday cake 📚🍰

kezzlou85 Hope you feel better soon 6mo
Librarybelle Hope you feel better soon! 6mo
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TheBookgeekFrau Feel better 💕 6mo
ShelleyBooksie Hope.you are.on the mend soon! 6mo
CaramelLunacy Hope you feel better soon 6mo
marleed Oh dang. Get well soon. 6mo
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Four Found Dead | Natalie D. Richards

why was there an empty river in a mall?

Four Found Dead | Natalie D. Richards
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This is packed with action. It is stressful. There is no time for character depth or growth. If you are in the mood for a fast paced thriller, this will probably hot the spot. TW: gun violence

Four Found Dead | Natalie D. Richards
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Well….this is stressful.

Four Found Dead | Natalie D. Richards
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Book 119🎧 2⭐️

I don‘t understand why these kids are working for such and unstable asshole? Did y‘all tell your parents?!

Why not tell someone buddy is holding?! 😩🙄


Four Found Dead | Natalie D. Richards
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“Who‘d want to remember the night half of us died?”

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Four Found Dead | Natalie D. Richards
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Teenagers are working in a movie theater for the last time because the mall is being demolished. All of a sudden the doors are locked and they can‘t escape. Someone in the theater is killing them one by one

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