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Joined May 2018

Sociopath: A Memoir | Patric Gagne
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*I give every memoir a 5 star because it is not up to me to rate someone else's lived experience*. That being said, I think the topic of sociopaths was very interesting. I am taking a psychology class right now, so it was very interesting seeing her point of view being a sociopath and applying it to what ive learned in my class. Getting to see through a person's lens into their mind is a very unique experience. 5/5

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This was a fun time. The ending didn't quite go in the direction I wanted it to, but it was fun the rest of the time. 4/5

Dark Matter | Blake Crouch
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This was a great book! There were so many twists and turns and had me guessing every turn. Literally had me gasping, and the ending was so beautiful. 5/5

SassyPants617 I LOVED this book! 2mo
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I have never given this author a 5 star. A couple of books have gotten close, but I just don't get there. I always find something a bit predictable and mundane about her books. The villain in this book was just so obviously supposed to be the villain that it obviously couldn't be, then there would be no twist. I didn't get the whole twist right, but I got enough that it wasn't surprising. It is a page turner. 4/5

The Light Pirate | Lily Brooks-Dalton
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Hot take incoming... This book has absolutely no plot. It's just about a girl in a world that is ravished by hurricanes and natural disasters. I had absolutely no emotions what so ever. I had no real connection to the characters, so I never felt anything for them. It was just surviving, repetitively. This book was so boring. It took me forever to get through because it was soo boring. Just describing scenery over and over again the whole book. 2/5

dabbe #fanofthepan! 🤩🤩🤩 2mo
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Four Found Dead | Natalie D. Richards
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I have read 1 other book by this author (Five Total Strangers). I gave that one a 1 star for the exact reason I gave this one 2 stars. The ending. There is just absolutely no explanation to the ending. Exactly what happened in the other book. What was the motive? Also, I just don't like in books when it is constantly referring back to something else that happened. It was just too much. Literally every other page. It was getting repetitive.

dabbe #fanofthepan! 🤩🤩🤩 2mo
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This book was so freaking good! I was immediately invested and needed to find out what was going on. I was flipping through these pages so fast. It also makes you think a lot, especially about humanity. It kept me guessing until the last page. Was seriously so good. 5/5

The Book of Cold Cases | Simone St. James
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This is my third book by this author, I gave the other two (Broken Girls and Murder Road) 5 stars. This one let me down. I thought this book was suuuuper dragged out. It could have been cut by a good 100 pages, and you still would have got the same story. I did like the story and the characters and the haunted house. But, I felt it was predictable. I felt like this trope had been done many times before. 3/5

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This on was boring. Seriously, a snooze fest. I had predicted everything that was going to happen way before it did. It was obvious if you're an avid thriller reader. I didn't think any of the characters were likable in any way. The story would also go on random tangents, too, that didn't have much to do with the story. It's just a very dull story. 2/5

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The Four Winds | Kristin Hannah
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Wow. Wow. Wow. As someone who is not a historical fiction person, I LOVED THIS. Kristin's writing is so amazing that you actually feel like you were there. I felt like I was there and could picture everything perfectly. I cared about these characters so much. I can't believe this book was over 400 pages because it flew by so fast. The ending.. SOBBING. SOBBING. I can not explain how much I loved this book. 5/5

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This book was beautifully written and had very meaningful things to say about love, loss, grief, joy, growing up, and many other things. Everything was very beautiful and heart-wrenching. I just wish there was more character development. I wanted to know and love the characters a little more. 4/5

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There is absolutely nothing redeeming about this book. It's just a terrible book. Most of it was incredibly boring then when you actually got to the "thriller" parts... I would not say thrilling, I would say, extremely disgusting. Nothing about brutal infant death is thrilling to me at all. It's just disturbing. Also, the writing was just absolutely terrible. This book is just terrible people doing terrible things. I wish I could give 0 stars.

alecia3dixie *I did not put a spoiler warning on this because I think it is important to let people know that this book contains infant death before you read it* 2mo
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This was a very good mash up of a bunch of 90s tropes. Slasher, creature feature, and physiological horror/gore. I really liked the concept of this book, and I feel it was executed very well. The absolute creepiness and body horror were immaculate. I had shivers running down my spine. I only had a problem with a few confusing parts and a little bit dragged. But it is so worth the read! 4/5

The Ascent | Adam Plantinga
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I really liked this one. It was super action-packed, a little insane at times, and had a good cast of characters. Was just a really crazy read. 4/5

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I absolutely loved loved loved this book! This book had me laughing, crying, and feeling all of the emotions. Andy is a very good storyteller and is also able to put things in a way that even someone without a science background can understand. There is just so much in this book that is amaze. Friendship, humor, heartbreak, and so much more. I will be thinking about this book for a long time. 5/5

HeatherBookNerd I loved it too. Just a delight. 3mo
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I think I'm coming to the conclusion that I don't really like cozy mysteries. Or maybe this one was too cozy? Something about this I just didn't connect with. 2 5/5

Everyone is Watching | Megan Bradbury
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I really liked this one. I thought it was a really fun time. It's just super chatoic the whole time. I liked the game ascpet and the action just kept coming. This isn't like a hard-hitting crazy thriller. It's just a fun time. 4/5

Ghost Station | S.A. Barnes
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I read Dead Silence by this author last year and absolutely loved it. I still did love this one, but it took a very long time to actually get to the horror. Like a good 200 pages in. But once it did, it was amazing. The errieness and creepiness were immaculate. The question is, is everything really happening, or are we just losing our minds? I absolutely loved how everything went down but would have loved for that to be the whole book. 4/5

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The first half of this book I had to slog through. So much more world building, which, since we got so much of that in the first two, I just wanted to get more story in this one. About the halfway mark, it did pick up pace but still just slightly above a slog. I was still enjoying it because I love this world so much. Then the ending happened, and I was ugly crying. I loved the ending so much. Then, the last chapter happened and ruined it. 3.5/5

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I still am really enjoying this series. The first half of this book was around a three for me because it felt a little regurgitated. A lot of the same from the first book and talking about the same things as the first book. But, the second half was a five. Was new and refreshing and everything I was enjoying in the first book. Even more character development and magic. The ending had me literally dying. 4/5

Murder Road | Simone St. James
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I was flying through this book, and I read it in only half a day because I could not put it down. It was so fun, and there was never a dull moment, I was constantly flipping the pages. Kept me intrigued 100% of the time. I could see this book actually playing out like a movie in my head. I just loved everything about this book. There were some things kind of left in the balance, but I was okay with that. Not every mystery is a perfect bow. 5/5

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A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! Omg I loved this so much! I loved the character development, the friendships, and the magic! This was so much fun! There is a ton of info dumps about the magical systems and monsters and different type of magic users in the first couple chapters, but once you get through that and wrap your mind around everything, it is so good! I loved the MC and how witty and sarcastic she is but also really does have a good heart. 5/5

The Hive | Barry Lyga, Morgan Baden, Jennifer Beals, Tom Jacobson
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This book dropped the ball big time for me. I was enjoying the first 100 pages. It was feeling Hunger Games mixed with Black Mirror. But, the main character got so annoying and selfish that I couldn't take it anymore. Absolutely ruined the book for me. This could have been a great view on hive mind mentality in society. There were so many great things said about how society acts in these situations. I could not read from the MCs POV anymore. 2.5/5

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The Senator's Wife: A Novel | Liv Constantine
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Loved!!! I don't want to say anything about this book. Go in completely blind. I feel like anything I say could be a spoiler in some way, so just know it was a 5 star read for me!! 5/5

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I absolutely loved the beginning of this book. Super interesting and fast-paced. The second part just got very confusing. It was like this book didn't know what genre it wanted to be and just threw everything in. So, everything got confusing and muddled. I think this is a fan fic for Nathaniel Hawthrone. I just did not care. If you're super interested in that author, this will be for you. Unfortunately, this didn't do it for me. 2/5

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Rabbit Hole | Kate Brody
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This book was not for me. I think it was marketed wrong. This is not a thriller or a mystery. There's nothing thrilling about it what so ever. I didn't like the MC at all. This book is just the MC making bad decisions after bad decisions the entire time. And a lot of sex. The ending never really got resolved and just a disappointment. The falling down a reddit rabbit hole is what intrigued me, and this just wasn't that. 1/5

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I really liked this book. It was super fast-paced and had a very eerie vibe of kind of knowing what's going on but still not really knowing what's going on. I do think the ending got a little muddled, though. Also, I wish the book wasn't named this because I think it took away from the story and gave stuff away. 4/5

My Darling Girl | Jennifer McMahon
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I have never given a Jennifer McMahon book less than a 4, and I am giving this book a 1.... a 1!!! What the heck is going on?? I hated this book. None of the characters were good, was ridiculous, not scary, boring, boring, boring. I fell asleep twice reading this because I was so bored. This trope should not be boring. Just ugh! 1/5

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This book gripped me immediately. I loved the suspense and trying to solve this mystery right with the characters. The step-mom and step-daughter, I think, was done beautifully. I loved the mom, I loved the way she dealt with everything. But, I absolutely hated the ending. It felt as though the author didn't know where to do with it and just did the first ridiculous thing that popped into her head. Also, there were some clues just tossed aside.4/5

Annie Bot | Sierra Greer
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This book is very different from most books I read. I ended up liking it a lot. The beginning was soooo good. I was eating it up, and then the ending was just very anti climatic. I wish the author would have gone deeper with her questions. It felt like the deep questions like where does humanity begin and end and who makes that call was more of a fleeting thought than a in depth question. I just wanted more. 3.5/5

marleed This book begs for IRL bookclub discussions! 4mo
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The Truth about the Devlins | Lisa Scottoline
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I really liked this one! It started off great and kept me entertained the whole time! When nobody would believe TJ, I just wanted to scream! I love when books can bring out real emotions from people. 4.5/5

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I loved this!!! It was so eerie and creepy. It held my attention and kept a very good pacing the whole time. I never felt that there was a really dull moment. But, I really wish it would have just leaned into the paranormal a little more. I was thinking of how things would end, and then it didn't end that way, and it was a little disappointing. 4.5/5

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This one was almost as good as the first one! The first one in this series was a 5 star. The middle two were 3 stars. This got so close to that love I have for the first book. I loved Vero and Finalays' dynamic again. Finlay seemed more sure of herself and a way more secure character. There were just a few things that made me say, really...? Other than that, it was a great book. 4/5

AvidReader25 I loved the first book, but the second never hooked me. Glad this one was better! 4mo
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Absolutely beautiful yet heart-wrenching story. Again, I don't like to actually review memoris because they are telling their truth, and that is all that matters.

The Busy Body | Kemper Donovan
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I really loved the dynamic between the two main characters. The way they got along, I really liked. The mystery aspect was very okayish. I guessed pretty much the whole thing. But the romance was just very dull. No build-up at all, just boom bam. Also, there were some fatphobic comments I did not appreciate. 3/5

The Fury | Alex Michaelides
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This was my most unliked book from this author! The beginning was very underwhelming with a protagonist who was so arrogant. Something would happen, and he would break the fourth wall and say oh just in case you didn't understand, let me explain it. Like it wasn't obvious. Then the ending was overwhelming, and I just could not suspend my disbelief enough to enjoy it. 2/5

dabbe #fanofthepan! 🤩🤩🤩 4mo
bookandbedandtea I'm 3/4 into this and have been super annoyed by the narrator the whole time. I'm going to finish it at this point but I'm glad to hear I'm not alone in not loving this. 4mo
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Goodnight Beautiful | Aimee Molloy
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I ate this book up. The first half of this book has two really good twists that took me by surprise. Near the end, it started to become one of Stephen King's novels (I don't want to mention which one for spoilers). It just got a little too close to Kings' original for me. This author did change some things. It wasn't exact, but I felt a little let down that it felt like a re-telling. Still enjoyed the first half, and the rest was still fine. 4/5

Outlawed | Anna North
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This was a fine book. Just very down the middle. I liked the old Western feeling of this book, but I wish there would have been more descriptions to really sink into the atmosphere. Also, it says she can't tell us what she accomplished with women being barren, I think I would have enjoyed that story better. I think a deep delve into her midwife career doing research on why some women are barren would have been super interesting. 2.5/5

The Whispers | Ashley Audrain
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I can not get behind this one. This book gave me terrible ick.
The child: *breathes*
The mother: Oh my God, you are sucking the life out of me!
Seriously. I would never think these things that these mothers think about their kids. Taking care of kids is hard, of course, but fantasies about killing them is just a step too far for me. If you don't want your husband or child so bad you want to kill them... JUST LEAVE. Jesus 🤦🏻‍♀️ 1/5

dabbe #fanofthepan! 🤩🤩🤩 4mo
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Apples Never Fall | Liane Moriarty
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Boring is boring. This is an absolute fail for me, and I can't believe I wasted my time reading this. The first 300 pages are just internal monolog after internal monolog of nothingness. That's a good word for this book: a book filled with nothingness. The ending was the biggest letdown. 1/5

dabbe #fanofthepan! 🤩🤩🤩 4mo
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The Guest | B.A. Paris
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There wasn't anything I liked about this book. It was just very run of the mill. Same thing I've read before. The twists came out of nowhere and left many plot holes. I didn't like any of the characters. Unfortunately, 1/5

dabbe #fanofthepan! 🤩🤩🤩 4mo
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The Change: A Novel | Kirsten Miller
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Love love love! I loved the characters, I loved the story, and I loved everything about this book. I had to annotate this book because of how many things went straight into my heart. I love women empowerment. I love that it's saying women can talk about bad things men have done to them without saying every man is bad. We know that. But, we're still allowed to say the bad things that were done to us by men. And, so much more. 5/5!

TheIntrovertedDodoBird Great review! 4mo
lil1inblue This looks good! Stacked! 4mo
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This book was the same okayish as the first one. The detective pov should have been eliminated. He was trying to figure out what happened basically in book 1, so you're re-reading everything you already read in the first book. Which is probably great if it's been a while between books, but I read them back to back. Also, I just did not give 1 crap about getting justice for Birdie or Micheal. Screw them both and call it a day.. 2/5

The Family Upstairs | Lisa Jewell
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This book was not a thriller. It was a slow burn family drama with maybe a small hint of mystery. I went into this book just waiting for something thrilling to happen, and when it never did, it was a letdown. If I would have went in with a different mindset, I might have liked it more. But, it felt like I was waiting for a twist that never happened. There were some twists, but I felt like they were all pretty obvious from the get-go. 3/5

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I feel the same exact way about the last two books as I did about this one. It's a good book and a good series, just not a great one. There are flaws that I just didn't like, just like the others. I feel like the book ended exactly in the same spot as when the war first started... What's the point of the whole series then?? Same ratings as the others because I did enjoy the book, but what the hell was that ending? 4/5

Never Fade | Alexandra Bracken
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I still enjoyed the second darkest minds installment. But there are a few things I didn't. The band of different kids traveling together at odds with the world I felt was the best part of the book. This book they were all broken up and broken against each other, which took some of the magic away. Also, they killed off one of my favs! 4/5

The Darkest Minds | Alexandra Bracken
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I found myself another dystopian series I love! I really liked this one! I liked the superpowers, world, characters, etc.. The ending tore my heart to pieces. I can probably guess where it all will end up, but I don't care because it was a lot of fun! The only criticism I have is that the main character was soooo whiny in the beginning and was very annoying. 4.5/5

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I actually liked this one better than the first one! I think this book really took the criticism of the first book and made the second better. When the author interjects, it felt more natural than the first one. I felt the main character was a little more fleshed out. I also just enjoyed this setting more. 4.5/5

rubyslippersreads I‘m reading this for my IRL book club, and like it so much more than the first one. 4mo
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I actually wanted more from this book. I was so hooked in the beginning, but it started to lose me in the middle. I wanted way more descriptions of how everything actually worked. It just brought me out of the book because I didn't fully understand how everything worked. I wish this book had way more details. 3/5

The Reformatory | Tananarive Due
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This book was truly amazing. I could feel the raw emotion dripping off the pages. You really did care for these characters. This book made me laugh, cry, shout, and get angry. I do have to say, I think it could have been shortened. I think Gloria's perspective could be cut or at least most parts. At times, there were information dumps that made the pace get very slow. I think that would have taken this amazing book to a spectacular book. 4.5/5