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The Last Orphan
The Last Orphan: An Orphan X Novel | Gregg Hurwitz
4 posts | 4 read
Evan Smoak returns in The Last Orphan, the latest New York Times bestselling Orphan X thriller--when everything changes and everything is at risk.As a child, Evan Smoak was plucked out of a group home, raised and trained as an off-the-books assassin for the government as part of the Orphan program. When he broke with the program and went deep underground, he left with a lot of secrets in his head that the government would do anything to make sure never got out. When he remade himself as The Nowhere Man, dedicated to helping the most desperate in their times of trouble, Evan found himself slowly back on the government's radar. Having eliminated most of the Orphans in the program, the government will stop at nothing to eliminate the threat they see in Evan. But Orphan X has always been several steps ahead of his pursuers.Until he makes one little mistake...Now the President has him in her control and offers Evan a deal - eliminate a rich, powerful man she says is too dangerous to live and, in turn, she'll let Evan survive. But when Evan left the Program he swore to only use his skills against those who really deserve it. Now he has to decide what's more important - his principles or his life.
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A walk in the park interspersed with a coffee and a few chapters in the blustery sunshine

#SundayReadersClub #April #Spring #Parklife #SouthchurchPark #Blustery #Sunshine #WeekendAllBooked #BookDragon #CoffeeAndAGoodBook #Flowers #Bloom #LazyWeekends

Soubhiville Lovely! 3mo
32 likes1 comment
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I love Evan! Another brilliant, all action (read violent!) addition to the series. With all our favourite characters making an appearance and a personal cliff hanger!
#serieslove2023 8/8 up to date on this one.

TheSpineView Well done! 1y
Andrew65 Brilliant, an author I am yet to read 👏👏👏 1y
TrishB @Andrew65 I think he‘s done some stand alone‘s but I‘ve only read this series and it‘s great. 1y
Andrew65 @TrishB Need to add him to my list on that recommendation. 1y
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Love this series and absolutely love this narrator! Check out my review!


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This is the 8th book in the 'Orphan X' series. It is one of my favourite thriller series and this one did not disappoint me. Reminiscent of the TV show 'The Equalizer', the series features a government trained assassin, who now helps people in trouble. In this outing he goes after a billionaire whose home was the place where two people were murdered and whom the president wants eliminated. This is pure entertainment and I loved it. 4.5/5 stars