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Lather and Nothing Else
Lather and Nothing Else | Hernando Tellez
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Lather and Nothing Else | Hernando Tellez

Lather and nothing else, a unique story involving the decision of violence, or love.
The story insist in two characters. A barber, who is a rebellion. And a special costumer, who hunts rebels. In this two sided story is the narration of the barbers experience with his enemy being his customer who has the decision to either take the kill or to spare his life. Whatever is may be, the theme relies on him, and what he does best in his job barbering.

Lather and Nothing Else | Hernando Tellez

I think the reason his choice was so complicated was because is moral values conflicted with his sense of duty to the rebellion. Because of his morals, he feels it's wrong to kill Torres while he's defenseless. But his loyalty to the rebellion makes him feel obligated to kill Torres. Throughout the story, he weighs these two beliefs, trying to figure out whether or not to kill Torres.

Lather and Nothing Else | Hernando Tellez

the problem he has is deciding whether he should kill him or not. he knows captain torres is bad and this is his chance to kill him. but the barber is not a murderer. I think he the right thing.

Lather and Nothing Else | Hernando Tellez

I believe the moral conflict was considering what would truly be the right decision. He had the opportunity, he could have easily killed the Captain and prevented so many deaths, but would it be worth it? If he killed the captain, he would be the same as him, a murderer through and through. I think the barber made the right decision in choosing not to take his life, but knowing that the man he let free would kill on that same day must be haunting.

Lather and Nothing Else | Hernando Tellez

In Lather and Nothing Else, the barber is conflicted on whether he should kill the person he is currently shaving, Captain Torres, who is opposed to the barber ideologically as the barber works for the resistance, and Captain Torres, who goes out and hunts down members of the resistance to torture and publicly execute. The barber even knew some of the people he had personally killed, which makes his decision to either kill or spare harder than bef

Lather and Nothing Else | Hernando Tellez

Lather and Nothing Else
The barber‘s decision was complex since he could fulfill his responsibility as a revolutionary and kill Captain Torres or do his job and not murder the murderer. I think his decision was correct because the consequences for both actions were heavy. However, the consequences of murdering the murderer were far greater than allowing the Captain to leave. This story tells us how the morals we have often outweigh our actions.

Lather and Nothing Else | Hernando Tellez

The barber is going through a straining time as he weighs out his options to kill the guy or not. He keeps thinking about the future and how people will see him if he does or does not take this life-or-death choice with his own hands. He holds responsibility in two places; his pride as the greatest barber and his trust in the rest of the revolutionaries. Both carry significance to his identity and one gets sacrificed with this one choice he has.

Lather and Nothing Else | Hernando Tellez

The moral conflict is decision of the barber killing captian torres.The decision could affect the barbers fame of being best barber in town. I feel i think he made the right decison becsue then he is a noble person. I think it tells us that he is good and is doig his job. ABout human condiotn it is good it shows they ahve pride and sticking to what he wants to do.

Lather and Nothing Else | Hernando Tellez

His decision is difficult and complex because he's a perfectionist and choosy with his haircut design. He also is trying to choose whether to kill him or keep himself safe. He made the right decision by not killing him so it keeps him safe. It shows he's smart and careful. It tells us that humans are judgmental and can be selfish.

Lather and Nothing Else | Hernando Tellez

In the story lather and nothing else the barber is making a decision of killing the general or not. If he kills the general then he wouldn't be able to do the job he loves.and he would get caught and he would be killed along with the other rebels

Lather and Nothing Else | Hernando Tellez

The conflict they had in this was if the barber wanted to kill captain torres or not. He was not a killer but caption torres was a bad person. I think he should of killed him because he poses a threat. This story shows us that it is not easy to kill someone.

Lather and Nothing Else | Hernando Tellez

the problem was that the barber was dealing with the captain who killed the barbers people. the captain was bad when the barber had a chance he would have killed him because the captain is a treat. it is not easy to kill someone

Lather and Nothing Else | Hernando Tellez

In Lather and Nothing Else, the narrator is identified as the barber. The barber thinks whether or not he should participate in retributive justice. He could have committed murder against a murderer. However, he thought about what the consequences would be if he were to carry such actions. This story tells us about human actions that it depends whether or not the action to be done will bring more good than harm.

hannah-leeloo Welcome to litsy sweet. Happy reading 1y
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Lather and Nothing Else | Hernando Tellez

The moral conflict is whether or not it's right to kill a man unaware if he himself has killed hundreds. Me personally I think this is ridiculous because this barber is condemning hundreds more of his allies to death because he himself is too scared to kill the man who is causing it all. There was a quote the barber said “I'm a revolutionary but not a murderer“ which I think is a contradictory statement.

Lather and Nothing Else | Hernando Tellez

This story is about a revolutionary who is posing as a barber. One day a man named Torres, a military leader who kills revolutionaries on a daily basis, walks into his shop in need of a shave. This makes the revolutionary very nervous as Torres has so much power and it raises the question, should the main character kill Torres while he can? What would be the consequences for him if he did? Would the risks be worth the rewards?

Lather and Nothing Else | Hernando Tellez

in this story it is about a barber who has a guy named Captain Torres and he is killing people like him but the captain does not know that he is part of the targets that he has been hunting down. As the man gives him a hair cut he asks him what are his plans for the people that he is hunting. But the man starts to think what is he going to tell his people that he saw the Captain and let him walk free and with a clean shave.

Lather and Nothing Else | Hernando Tellez

Captain Torres kills rebels as his job and he just walked in the barber shop to get a haircut. His barber is an undercover rebel and he has the chance to kill him with a razor. The decision of whether the barber should or shouldn't kill Torres is hard because he doesn't want to be a killer but he hates him. And the barber would either be arrested or killed for killing Torres. So I think that the barber made the right decision to leave him alive.

Lather and Nothing Else | Hernando Tellez

I wonder if Officer Torres ever felt like the barber was not on his side. I also wonder if the barber regretted not taking action while he could.

Lather and Nothing Else | Hernando Tellez

The barber's conflict is if he should kill Captain Torres. during the story he talks about the pros and cons of killing him. some of the good things would be that he would be seen as a hero for the revolution. but a con is all about how he would have blood on his hands and he didn't want that. i think he made the right choice because if he killed him he would probably end up dead himself.

Lather and Nothing Else | Hernando Tellez

The central idea of Hernando Tellez's short story “Lather and Nothing Else“ is that moral judgments about what is right or wrong depend largely on the individual.

Lather and Nothing Else | Hernando Tellez

The moral conflict of the story is that the barber doesn't want to kill general Torres because he wants to stay noble to his job, but the general is a murderer and overall deserves to die. I think he should have killed the general- he has killed a large amount of innocent people that did not deserve death. The general had no remorse or idea that what he was doing was wrong, therefore if he stayed alive many more peoples lives would be in jeopardy

Lather and Nothing Else | Hernando Tellez
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The decision of the barber is so complex and detailed. Captain Torres has killed many people who have the same views as the barber and possibly have been friends with the barber. Naturally the decision falls under morals. The barber is probably wondering if he himself could murder somebody. He wants to, but he does not want it to hang on his conscious for the rest of his life.

Lather and Nothing Else | Hernando Tellez

I understand that the decision was difficult, but I think that the barber should have killed the captain. Although I'd usually think that violence isn't the answer, the captain had caused so much violence and death in the community that the barber should have, for the good of everyone, just gotten rid of him.

Lather and Nothing Else | Hernando Tellez
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Lather and Nothing Else is about a rebel who works/runs a barber shop and a commander that kills rebels comes in and the commander invites the barber to a event that will have the rebel killed

Lather and Nothing Else | Hernando Tellez

In the story “Lather and Nothing Else“ by Hernando Tellez, the decision of the barber is so difficult because while feels hatred toward Captain Torres, who killed his comrades, he also feels a duty to carry out his barber's job honorably. Also, he does not want to carry the burden of having killed another human being, no matter how evil, because he still feels some compassion and does not want to resort to the violence that his enemies are using.

Lather and Nothing Else | Hernando Tellez

i really felt like the barber should've taken the opportunity he had to kill him. though i think it was realistic to depict the internal struggle the barber had and the gravity of the decision to take another persons life, i do think sympathy for a settler colonist who was actively torturing and killing Colombian people isn't a great thing to highlight. by killing General Torres the barber could've prevented death and taken revolutionary action

Sola M I don't think I would like this one. 1y
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Lather and Nothing Else | Hernando Tellez
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I think the barber should have killed the general, because it would have saved lives in the future, because it is very likely that the general would continue to hunt down and kill more rebels. By killing him now he would both cause the regime trouble and slow them down. The general already knew he was a rebel so there is nothing to gain by letting him live.

Lather and Nothing Else | Hernando Tellez

The barber is stuck between the decision to hurt the Captain back, or rise above and just do his job. He and the revolution don't believe in what the Capitan and his people are doing, and wants to get his revenge, but does end up knowing better than that. This story tells us that wanting to get revenge for someone who is hurting you/your people, is a human thing, but you should just rise above it.

Lather and Nothing Else | Hernando Tellez

The decision of the barber is so difficult and complex because he's fighting between choosing justice, his own honor as a barber,and possibly for his own benefit as well.I think he should have done what he did - kept the man alive. Captain Torres deserved to die, but he would likely have just been replaced at the cost of the protagonist's life.This story tells us about the human, moral struggle between honor and justice, and choosing what's right.

hannah-leeloo Welcome to litsy sweet. Happy reading 1y
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Lather and Nothing Else | Hernando Tellez

This is a short story about a barber and in the time he is living in there are people and there are rebels and this barber is secretly a rebel. then one day the leader of the rebel killers comes in to get a shave from the barber. the rest of the story is the barber contemplating if he should kill the man. so this is like if an eye for an eye works or nor bur he does not kill the man he lets him live.