The information in this book didn‘t really surprise me, but it was affirming and inspiring. I enjoyed learning about the science and research and feel newly energized to prioritize the arts and aesthetics in my family‘s life. ⬇️
The information in this book didn‘t really surprise me, but it was affirming and inspiring. I enjoyed learning about the science and research and feel newly energized to prioritize the arts and aesthetics in my family‘s life. ⬇️
5 ⭐️ reading content, 4 ⭐️ reading experience. Very heavy research-based work of non-fiction but mindblowing. PSA to incorporate 20 minutes of art into your day, every day! It‘s our way through trauma, our map to the subconscious, our portal to the divine. Obviously, I didn‘t need much convincing, but I‘m inspired to have the reminder that art is an essential, valuable crux of our humanity and spiritual well-being.
While this book held no opinions I didn‘t already have, it substantiated them all with scientific studies. We all need regular exposure to all of the arts, it‘s even better for us to practice/create artistically. It‘s also important to switch them up, try something new and it‘s especially important when you are feeling extreme emotions.
My latest audio and so far I‘m feeling extremely satisfied with my life choices ( high jacking teacher lesson plans to teach full days of art, taking my kids to art galleries/museums/installations in every city we visit )
"Relieving our stress is as important as eating food, drinking water, and sleeping. And, in these moments, the arts and aesthetics make a big difference if you know how to use them. Think of the arts as an activity that changes your biology, emotional state, and enhances your mental well-being."
Apparently I am NOT reading this book tonight 😂
I couldn't resist buying a couple of art books today! I'm so looking forward to the tagged book but have library books due soon, and I guess I should finish those first... #areadersdilemma
These two books are complimentary companions.
I am still mulling over Black Butterflies- its affect on me so profound that I am unable to put my thoughts about this read into words.Your Brain on Art is a book one of my son‘s professor‘s recommended to him.Since it addresses art & trauma, it seems to be a book I should read in bits & pieces.
I felt so much better about the world in general after listening to this audiobook. Research shows how the arts support our wellbeing—in particular our mental health—and amplify learning, among other benefits. There‘s a questionnaire type thing at the beginning that gave me the impression this would be a workbook, but it‘s not. It‘s an engaging combination of research reports and personal stories. I loved it.
“Many adult relegate art and the making of it to those they deem professional artists.”
[Not me! Creating stuff is so much fun. #LitsyCrafters]
Friday Reads May 12: Asian Heritage Month; Canadian authors; art; book chat plus knitting & travel to the Yukon
Experiencing awe enables someone to change their view of themselves and their place in the world.
There is more and more evidence that the arts enhance brain function by changing brain wave activity and accessing the nervous system.