Odd... still not entirely sure I got the whole story...
Random pick from the library.
It's a short novel, less than 200 pages.
I'm finding it quite confusing as the time differences, the narrator age, isn't clearly defined all the time. But that also makes it very cleverly written.
Umm you couldn‘t get a dog so you got STICK INSECTS???? Bruh. That‘s now how this works. That‘s not how any of this works...
#TBRtemptation post 2! This shorter book, a debut novel, has been short-listed for a number of prizes and awards. On a North Sea ferry heading to Germany for a restorative holiday, Furth, middle-aged and newly separated, contemplates a previous trip to Germany and his life in general. What he has *not* done, that can be most devastating of all. #blameLitsy #blameMrBook 😎
An unusual book, I can see why this was shortlisted for the #bookerprize -- but I have so many questions! Starting with--is Futh related to Ester? They have a lot of odd things in common, and his grandfather fled Germany after "trouble" with a girl. Plus, the ending. This would be a great book club book--so much to discuss!!
Next up for fiction! Apparently I marked this as "to-read" on Goodreads--in 2012! ?
My #libraryhaul today. None of these were holds, I picked them all off the shelves. Poetry, in translation, short stories. I don't know where I will start!
The book that was lost? I found it! (Under the cookbook shelf so clearly someone or some household furry knocked my stack off the table and didn't fess up.)
I picked up this Booker Prize nominee just last week. It features a man on his way to Germany, but that's all I know about it at the moment.