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The Dogs of Winter
The Dogs of Winter | Kem Nunn
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Heart Attacks is Californias last secret spotthe premier mysto surf haunt, the stuff of rumor and legend. The rumors say you must cross Indian land to get there. They tell of hostile locals and shark-infested waters where waves in excess of thirty feet break a mile from shore. For down-and-out photographer Jack Fletcher, the chance to shoot these waves in the company of surfing legend Drew Harmon offers the promise of new beginnings. But Drew is not alone in the northern reaches of the state. His young wife, Kendra, lives there with him. Obsessed with the unsolved murder of a local girl, Kendra has embarked upon a quest of her own, a search for truthhowever dark that truth may prove to be. The Dogs of Winter is a portrait of two men and an appealing yet troubled young woman set against an unforgettable background of stark and violent beauty.
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After a slow start, this book became really good. A thriller. Surfers looking for The Dogs of Winter in a remote area that no one should be. A murdered girl. A weird wife of one of the surfers. A photographer who finds himself In a place he shouldn't be. #SummerEndReadathon @TheSpineView #RushAthon @Andrew65 @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES

TheSpineView Fantastic! 9mo
DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 9mo
Andrew65 Excellent 👏👏👏 9mo
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