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Crybaby Lois
Crybaby Lois | Francine Pascal, Molly MIA Stewart
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Lois Waller is the girl in Mrs. Becker's second grade class whom everyone loves to teast--except for kind-hearted Elizabeth.
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Crybaby Lois | Francine Pascal, Molly MIA Stewart
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Poor Lois, she can‘t catch a break. She is the only one in her class who still has to use training wheels, and she gets mercilessly teased about it by everyone except Liz and Amy. That and the fact that she cries over every little thing doesn‘t help her social life. Jess & Lila are particularly mean to her and dare her that she can‘t climb a tree. But Lois has had enough, so she scales the neighbor‘s apple tree and finds a lost kitten up there. ⬇️

JenlovesJT47 Lois rescues the kitten, Bitsy, and Bitsy in return rescues Lois‘ social life. 😆 Kittens for the win! 4⭐️ #SweetValley #SweetValleyKids #SVK #twins #nostalgia 👯‍♀️ 🐈‍⬛ (edited) 2w
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Crybaby Lois | Francine Pascal, Molly MIA Stewart
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This is actually the very first Sweet Valley book that I remember reading, so it will always have a special place in my heart! The titular Lois Waller is the one that the whole class (except for saintly Elizabeth) picks on— she cries easily and is chubby (a real sin in fat-phobic Sweet Valley!). But here Liz sticks up for her— even tries to teach her to ride her bike without training wheels! But it‘s Lois‘ love of cats that turns into a real hero!

JenlovesJT47 😅 oh the fat shaming, one of the many reasons why I had body image issues growing up! 😆 2w
TorieStorieS @JenlovesJT47 Yeah, that‘s definitely a consistent theme across all ages of the series, unfortunately! 2w
TorieStorieS @JenlovesJT47 I think when they re-released the SVH books in the early 2000s, they even updated the “perfect size 6” to size 2, if I‘m not mistaken… 2w
JenlovesJT47 Yes I believe you‘re right! When I downloaded all the books from Anna‘s Archive, I made sure to download the updated books as well so I can look through them and see. I never read them. 2w
TorieStorieS @JenlovesJT47 I only bought the first one of the re-releases, mostly because my original copy of Double Love is misprinted! There are duplicated pages and missing pages so I was interested in seeing what I had been missing for so long! 🤣 2w
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