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How The Beatles Rocked The World
How The Beatles Rocked The World | Stephen F. Kelly
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When the Beatles burst onto the pop scene in 1962, they not only took the music world by storm but they also brought with them a counter culture that was to have far-reaching effects. With their long hair, humour and irreverent attitude towards authority, they were a breath of fresh air to a generation who had grown weary of the greyness of the post-war years. Beatlemania was to unleash a revolution against an outdated age. The 1950s with its oppressive and authoritarian attitudes was ready for change and young people, desperate to escape suburbia with its stifling formality, were set to lead that rebellion. In politics, fashion, education, the arts, religion, television, women's rights and universities, the time had come to challenge the old order. And in came the swinging sixties with its more liberal attitudes offering hope of change and a more peaceful and just world. The introduction of the contraceptive pill, legalized abortion, gay rights, easier divorce and the relaxing of censorship were all part of this social revolution. And it wasn't just in Britain. The influence of the Beatles reverberated across Europe and, most of all, in America where teenagers not only campaigned against a war in Vietnam but also for civil rights in their own country. This book tells the story of the Sixties and how the Beatles' influence had such an impact on British society. It's a social history of Britain told by Stephen Kelly who regularly watched the Beatles at the Cavern and experienced first hand the changes that were to take place.
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#HowTheBeatlesRockedTheWorld #StephenFKelly #BookSpinBingo #SeriesLove2024 #May2024

This is a book about the 1960's and how the Beatles got started in the world of music. There is a lot going on in the book and the world of the 60's. It is a brand new decade and a new era. It was a real cultural revolution. There was a war raging in Vietnam and young men were being drafted.

EadieB War demonstrations and marches in America. The Beatles were meeting in Liverpool at the Cavern Club and forming their little group. There were a lot of American bands playing too such as; Bob Dylan and The Rolling Stones. While the Beatles did concerts in Sweden in October 1963 and were coming home, Ed Sullivan was in Heathrow airport when thousands of screaming girls got him to thinking about booking them for his US show. 1mo
EadieB February 9, 1964 they appeared on Ed Sullivan and thousands of screaming girls once again. They appeared on February 11, 1964 at the Coliseum in Washington D.C and 20,000 fans attended. The next day, they gave two back-to-back performances at New York's Carnegie Hall. America had seen nothing like it since the early days of Elvis. 1mo
EadieB Their singles and albums sold in their millions and at one point in April 1964 all five best-selling US singles were Beatles songs. The Beatles were topping the hit parades in nearly every country in the world. This is a great book to reminisce with as the author was there from the start in Liverpool at the Cavern Club. If you love Beatles music then you will love this book. 1mo
See All 7 Comments
EadieB There is a lot of historical moments of things going on in the world during the 60's that you will enjoy reading about in this book. Highly recommended! 1mo
TheSpineView Sounds like a good book. 1mo
EadieB @TheSpineView it is a very good book! 1mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 1mo
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