An honest and sometimes painfully open book about mental health. A book everyone should read to allow further insight into OCD anxiety and depression. Full review https://thecuriousmagpie2018.wordpress.com/2019/10/29/review-mad-girl-by-bryony-...
An honest and sometimes painfully open book about mental health. A book everyone should read to allow further insight into OCD anxiety and depression. Full review https://thecuriousmagpie2018.wordpress.com/2019/10/29/review-mad-girl-by-bryony-...
Another #holidayread alongside my fluffy sliders 💕😍 this book had me hooked - Bryony Gordon is an extremely honest writer and as such the nosy Parker in me couldn't stop turning the pages!📚
If you haven't suffered from mental illness but want a look at what some people go through.. READ THIS!
If you have suffered from mental illness and want to know you are not alone.. READ THIS!
Looking forward to reading more of her stuff😊
This was a tough read at times but Gordon was so honest about her struggles with mental health issues that I had to keep going. I can only praise her for being brave enough to tell her stories and for admitting that it isn't a finished story, there will be more for her to deal with. And also, to thank my lucky stars that the worst I have to deal with is feeling a bit crap sometimes, nothing like what she's had to face.
Started on this one earlier today and it seems quite apt considering I'm 'running' a glow in the dark 5k tonight!! So looking forward to running with my clubbercise gang, although the amount of running might be negligible 🏃♀️
The black dog = depression. And I agree - my depression feels nothing like a dog!
#mentalhealth #diversebooks #diversebookbloggers
This book is about Bryony's journey with OCD. It is an incredible read. At the time of reading I had recently been diagnosed with OCD myself. Everything in the book made me nod and agree. Of course the experiences were different but the internal struggle and dealing with day to day life was very relatable. This book is well-written, inspirational and should open people's eyes to the truth of OCD and its damaging affects on those who are diagnosed.
About to start my second book for #BoutofBooks #currentlyreading
An often brutal account of a life with mental illness.
It deals with:
Eating disorders
Domestic abuse
So, just if you think you might be triggered by these, be aware. I have anxiety and depression and I've just finished the book, and I think I'm ok but y'know how mental illness is. Many times I wanted to cry because situations so closely mirrored my own life.
"My teenage years had been sold to me as a dizzy time of firsts and explorations, but instead they were just one long chorus of coursework and half-arsed heartache"
#teenagelife #mentalillness
I didn't want to put this book down from start to finish. It details the author's battle with OCD and depression in a honest and intimate way. It's both hilarious and heart-wrenching. We need more books like this that aren't afraid of mental health issues.
Just starting this book about OCD. Been hearing some good things about it!