Here‘s my review for this book.
This book counts for:
☑️TBR Read
☑️3 readathons (#spookoween, #hauntedshelf & #bookspinbingo)
Here‘s my review for this book.
This book counts for:
☑️TBR Read
☑️3 readathons (#spookoween, #hauntedshelf & #bookspinbingo)
I‘ve started and finished some books this weekend. I‘m not sure if I want to do the #wordsearch on the books or not. I have a lot of Netgalley ARCs to read this month. I‘m feeling very overwhelmed trying to read all of them so maybe to make it easier on myself, I should stop doing the #wordsearch and just focus on reading the books and still give myself points for reading them.
#hauntedshelf #skeletoncrew
Here‘s my progress on my #currentlyreading books. I celebrated my brother‘s birthday this weekend with my family. His bday is Oct 25.
Sherlock Holmes - I finished this week‘s short story but I didn‘t get to participate in the discussion for the story.
Reproductive Rites - I finished it on Saturday.
Creative Makeup - I started & finished this book on Saturday.
Epic Myths - I started this one on Saturday but I‘m almost finished with it.
I was approved for this Netgalley ARC that was published on Oct 15. I started reading this book on Oct 13. It‘s taken me all week just to read this book and I think it‘s taking me a while because the chapters are all 1 hr long. The history is interesting but I‘m ready to get finished with this book.
This book counts for:
☑️ 1 hr of reading (I just spent 1 hr listening to another chapter.)
#hauntedshelf #skeletoncrew
I listened to more of this book today for #hauntedshelf. I forgot that I can count my reading hours for this readathon so I might as well start doing that too.
Hours of reading done so far:
Tuesday - 1 hr of reading done
Wednesday - 2 hrs of reading done (I listened for 1 hr at the park walking my dog this afternoon and I just finished listening to another chapter for 1 hr before bed.)
I found an audiobook for this Netgalley ARC I was approved for. It came out Oct 15. I‘m going to be late reviewing it but I have a lot of ARCs to read this month. I started out reading the book using text to speech but I didn‘t get very far into the book so last night before bed, I started reading the book again. At this point, the book has been published so it doesn‘t matter what format I read it in as long as I read it.
I just started this Netgalley ARC. I don‘t remember if I requested it and was approved or found it as a Read Now book but it‘s being published Oct 15. StoryGraph is right. This book isn‘t something I‘m in the mood for but I started it last night and the history is really interesting so far. The history element of the book is why I want to read it but I don‘t know anything about the topic itself so I don‘t have an opinion on it.