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Scarathlon | Litsy
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Hello gorgeous #skeletoncrew 🎃 I think most of you have sent me your points for the end of the challenge now but if you haven‘t yet, you can let me know anytime til tomorrow! Every last point helps.

I hope to see some of you again for #wintergames - this has been so much fun and I‘ve loved every single tag I‘ve got in a post!

IndoorDame Did you get tagged in my final scarathlon posts? I tried to tag everyone but couldn‘t tell if it went through right 9mo
Emilymdxn @IndoorDame yep it‘s all logged! 9mo
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Scarathlon | Litsy
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Okay here are my points for the second half of #Scarathlon I‘m probably missing a bunch as I lost my zeal for tracking after getting sick week 3. But I‘m on the mend and I read some really great books.

Shout out to my wonderful team and our tireless team leader.

 @Emilymdxn #SkeletonCrew

 @IndoorDame @Moll2 @candc320 @MidnightBookGirl @Pigpen_Reads @kwmg40 @Blerdgal_Fenix @Bluebird @Q84

Emilymdxn Amazing!! Thanks did adding them up while sick and I hope you feel better soon 🎃 9mo
IndoorDame Woohoo 🎉 glad you‘re on the mend! I had a great time with you this month!!! 9mo
kwmg40 It was great being on the team with you! Glad to hear that you are recovering. 9mo
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candc320 Woo hoo! You did an amazing job! 9mo
Bluebird Wonderful! Sorry you got sick! I hope you are recovering quickly! 9mo
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Skeleton Crew | Stephen King
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ShananigansReads 👏🏾🎃💀👏🏾🎃💀 9mo
IndoorDame Woohoo 🙌 🎉🥳 go team!!!! 9mo
kwmg40 Congratulations! Go #skeletoncrew! 9mo
candc320 Congratulations!! #skeletoncrew did such a great job! 9mo
Bluebird Excellent!! 9mo
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Despite my time limitations for reading/posting on Litsy, I had a fun #Scarathlon and finished 14 books.
Thanks @AnnR @Read4life @aperfectmjk @Clwojick & @TheAromaofBooks no full bingo cards, but hit a few bingos on all.

25,935 points for the 2nd half of Scarathlon.
Grand total for the month: 33,814. Yippee!
Thanks to a great team leader @Emilymdxn and to my #skeletoncrew teammates! You all made it fun! Hope next time I can share more in posts

IndoorDame Woohoo!!! 🥳 Such a fun month! 9mo
TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Fabulous progress!!! 9mo
AnnR Well done & thank you for participating! 🍁🎃🎉 9mo
ShananigansReads 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾💀💀💀 9mo
Read4life Thanks for participating in #Falling4Books 🍁👻🎃 9mo
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Scarathlon | Litsy
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Alright, so over the last few years I‘ve really leaned into #scarathlon and gobbled up points! This year, however, I just wasn‘t in the head space to dig in, but I did still read and participate where I could! Hopefully this helps out my lovely #skeletoncrew team and I hope everyone had a great time! @ShananigansReads @moll2 @MidnightBookGirl @Pigpen_Reads @kwmg40 @Blerdgal_Fenix @Bluebird @Q84

Blerdgal_Fenix 🦴 ☠️ loved rocking with all of you!! 9mo
IndoorDame Woohoo!!!! What a great month! 9mo
kwmg40 It was great being on the #skeletoncrew team with you! 9mo
ShananigansReads 🎃🎃🎃💀💀💀 9mo
Bluebird 🎉 9mo
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Scarathlon | Litsy
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The points for the second half of #Scarathlon. I wish I'd had more time to be online, but between work and making time to do Halloween stuff and watch movies, I just ran out of time. I love both my jobs, but October is always my busiest month. Still really loved focusing on all the scary books! #Scarathlon #SkeletonCrew @Emilymdxn @Clwojick @StayCurious Can't wait for #WinterGames

Emilymdxn This is amazing well done! 🎃🎃🎃 9mo
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Scarathlon | Litsy
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Here‘s where I got to at the end of #scarathlon with my very spooky spreadsheet 🎃 210,486 points for the #skeletoncrew

kwmg40 Impressive number of points for #skeletoncrew! 9mo
IndoorDame Woohoo 🥳🙌 crazy impressive! 9mo
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