A mysterious assassin is hunting down the previous colleagues of Last Mechanika's associate. An excellent little mystery.
A mysterious assassin is hunting down the previous colleagues of Last Mechanika's associate. An excellent little mystery.
#Bk1 and almost #Hour1 is finished for the #24in48 #readathon This has got to be one of my favourite GN series, I‘ve always been fascinated by steampunk, add in a half mechanical female adventurer/Assassin and you have the perfect basis for a story. Former workmates Of Lady Mechanika‘s friend, Mr Lewis, are being murdered. When she is accused of being the killer herself, tracking down the real culprit is her only option to avoid arrest.
And we are off! Starting my #24in48readathon with a graphic novel before switching to an audiobook and maybe a nap so I can power through the first night/day. For some reason the Litsy database has this listed as Vol5 but hey, it‘s an amazing series nonetheless. How many other littens are joining me this weekend? #startyourengines #24in48 #readathon
#Stack1 Playing around with #stacks for this weekends #24in48 #readathon This will be my 6th time round & hopefully, the 5th time I make the 24!🤞I like a bit of variety in my reading choices so I try to include a graphic novel, a crime/mystery, a sci-fi/fantasy & a non fiction as well as an audiobook or two. Helps to keep my hours up if I can switch it up. What are you stacking for your readathon?
Just the other graphic novels in this series, this volume sets up a great mystery filled with beautifully drawn characters.