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The Real Mother Goose
The Real Mother Goose | Blanche Fisher Wright
8 posts | 24 read | 3 to read
Presents traditional nursery rhymes, including "Little Jack Horner," "Hot Cross Buns," "The Queen of Hearts," and "The Cat and the Fiddle."
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The Real Mother Goose | Blanche Fisher Wright

Mother goose is a great poetry book for very young children. It helps model fluency and prosody before babies can even talk. It also creates a fun rhythm that they can follow along with and memorize. It helps with their speech development. These book can be fun and beneficial for all ages.

The Real Mother Goose | Blanche Fisher Wright
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We visited the Galleria dell‘Accademia today to see David. Very impressive! But you all know what he looks like, so I present to you instead a goose with books. (There was no plaque for this little sculpture, so I can‘t give the official name. The artist is Lorenzo Bartolini)

Texreader We‘re going tomorrow!!! What fun! 13mo
bnp I am so enjoying your comments, as I will probably be traveling to Florence & Time next summer. 13mo
DivineDiana I love this! ❤️ 13mo
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The Real Mother Goose | Blanche Fisher Wright

At least half of these make no sense at all and aren‘t even that wordplay-like. But it was cool to read the ones that have become common sayings. And some have a darker side that I didn‘t know about…

The Real Mother Goose | Blanche Fisher Wright
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Turns out the Real Mother Goose is dark! Chopped off tails? Piggies can‘t find their way home? Sheesh…

Ericalambbrown I had this book when I was a kid. I so wish I still had it. 2y
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The Real Mother Goose | Blanche Fisher Wright
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#wonderouswednesday @Eggs

1. Hartford, CT
2. Tariffville, CT
3. 7 sibs

Tagging any littens who want to play!
4. Mother Goose- rhyming!

Eggs Thanks for playing 💕💕 3y
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The Real Mother Goose | Blanche Fisher Wright
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This piece of traditional literature (TL) has a multitude of rhymes throughout with some older looking illustrations. (It was copyrighted in 1944) Some of the rhymes include Little Bo-Peep, Pat-a-Cake, and Humpty Dumpty. It would be fun to use this as a partner read as the students could read the rhymes to each other. It would be interesting to see which ones they actually know since most of these are before my time! #UCFLAE3414SP18

Laura.S www.nea.org/tools/lessons/51755.htm This site states that Mother Goose Day is May 1st! It also has resources such as rhymes recited on video. I would love to have a themed day in the classroom and possibly dress up as your favorite rhyme from the book. UDL 1.2, offer alternatives for auditory info could be used as many of the rhymes could be found online. EL 34, de-emphasize speed and emphasize accuracy would be useful to show kids to read slowly. 6y
V.DeQuattro Such a great traditional literature book! I like the lesson plan you attached. 6y
Noelle5 This book looks so cute! All classroom libraries need fun and silly books on top of the informational ones. This book as you mentioned could also be used for learning about rhyming. I really want to look into this book! :) 6y
AmeliaS21 I love this book!! I remember reading it as a child! Great choice! 6y
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The Real Mother Goose | Blanche Fisher Wright
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Super old nursery rhymes! 1925

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The Real Mother Goose | Blanche Fisher Wright
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Today Humpty-Dumpty says it all.

celtichik Feeling like a Monday over here, thank goodness it's really Wednesday! 7y
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