Elegiac. Been on my shelf for a while, beautifully written, but depicts the reality of life in the trenches.
Elegiac. Been on my shelf for a while, beautifully written, but depicts the reality of life in the trenches.
Beautiful book. As we discussed IRL Book club about her writing themes : class distinction/ family secrets / aging / war / & the author lived in Derry at the height of the Irish troubles, she saw war.
I could quote pieces from every page ... so I can only highly recommend this book ❤️.
“We all spring from some extinct tribe ... “
“You talk as if you were older than the hills.”
“Some people are born old and never get any younger.”
The writing! I could quote forever.
I loved this expression
“ She‘d take the sight out of your eyes “
Never heard this before , it‘s brilliant...
Next up ... excited for this one. The bookclub Ladies tell me it‘s the best of her books 😱. That‘s saying something
#HeatOfJuly #toySoldiers only real soldiers here , in trenches. This is by the same author as our last Bookclub book ( Jennifer Johnston) . I havnt read it , but it‘s at the top of my list. The women praised it up to high heaven. & @Libby1 you gave it 5 big stars. Looking forward to this beautiful book.
I‘ve been learning about the structure of World War I trenches so that I can better understand the setting of this book.
I vaguely understood what a parapet was but couldn‘t visualise things like duckboards and dugouts.
This diagram brings to life how horrible it must have been to be in those trenches.
Heartbreaking read about the horrors of war set in the trenches of WWI.