Not too many squares on the bingo grid for this one! I‘m going to be disappointed if the next doesn‘t have a girl who tries to behave like a boy or any ginger beer!
Not too many squares on the bingo grid for this one! I‘m going to be disappointed if the next doesn‘t have a girl who tries to behave like a boy or any ginger beer!
If there‘s no smugglers, it isn‘t a Famous Five story! Seriously though, how much of a problem was smuggling in the 1930s? Did people really go to so much effort to avoid paying import tax? Did they always have to use tumbledown houses and long-forgotten passageways to do it? And why is there always five sanctimonious little gits trying to catch them? Are the smugglers‘ plans so low-tech that five children can crack them?
This collage sums up today perfectly:
1. Ooh, this bath bomb looks awesome, I‘ve been saving it for a time when I need to relax and that time is now.
2. Wow, the colours!
3. Ooh, the little bobbles come off and make satellite bath bombs in different colours! How exciting! Let me fondle it and marvel at the ingenuity!
4. Shit. Pink hand. Won‘t come off, despite much scrubbing.
I give up!
I loved her books as a child, and still do as an adult!
Ahh the famous 5! Is there anywhere they can't go by bike? #somethingforsept #bookssetbythesea
Pass the ginger beer! And get ready for an adventure 😉