Teething babies are like pet rabbits: they want to eat your books. 👶🏻🐰📚😱
#booksareforreadingnoteating #raisingreaders
Teething babies are like pet rabbits: they want to eat your books. 👶🏻🐰📚😱
#booksareforreadingnoteating #raisingreaders
*Someone* was excited about my recent #bookmail. 👀
Can‘t wait to read both of these books, so it makes sense that my baby couldn‘t wait to try to eat both of these books.
#booksareforreadingnoteating #iusedtosaythattomylatebunny #dejavu #raisingreaders #interruptedphotoshoot #hesstandinguponorwitheverything • #speculativefiction #diversereads #shortfiction
Like so many sci-fi novels, this one took several pages for me to "get up to speed" on the differences in the world. But after that initial learning curve, this story was non-stop wonderful. It probably helps that I'm a historian, so the topic was particularly interesting for me. Still, I highly recommend it!
Already well over halfway through! This book is very well written. I'll save the details for my review :)
Since I finished What It's Like To Be A Dog, I of course have to jump right into the next one! This is the last of my Christmas haul, if you can believe it. I've a feeling this is going to go quickly!