Beautifully written. I don‘t know how factual it is but it is well written.
Beautifully written. I don‘t know how factual it is but it is well written.
I have read her poetry before of course — but never knew much about her life. I can‘t say how accurate this historical fiction novel is, but it does make a decent attempt to capture what the first published African-American poet (and slave) might have been like before and just after her fame. Book 5 #BookSpin #BookSpinBonanza
If you‘re looking for young adult historical fiction, look no further than Ann Rinaldi. Everything she writes is wonderful, great characters, great descriptions, perfect pace, including this one about poet Phyllis Wheatley, an #AfricanLady, or at least an African girl, before she was brought to America.
More Maitland books. Some of these are to be blamed on Litsy others on friends, some I bought because I have wanted them for years or they sounded interesting. The best thing is they only cost me $10!