Day 6. #7covers7days. # covercrush. This cover just made me curious. Haven‘t read it yet, but it‘s another one where I really want that I really want the prose to live up to the cover. I‘ve heard the author has a very unique style and perspective.
Day 6. #7covers7days. # covercrush. This cover just made me curious. Haven‘t read it yet, but it‘s another one where I really want that I really want the prose to live up to the cover. I‘ve heard the author has a very unique style and perspective.
#thiscovermakesnosense I haven't read this yet so maybe it will make sense but at first glance this cover is pretty weird! #readjanuary
I love love Nell Zink. Looking forward to reading this short story collection.
Never read Nell Zink before, but I'm into it.
These stories are wacky, and Zink doesn't take them seriously--but it's not about the stories or plots here. It is about the unexpected turns of phrase, and the amusing originality she has cooked up, which makes for thoroughly entertaining reading throughout. One of the few authors who has me cracking up out loud.
I'm only thirty pages in but--Nell Zink is kind've fun. The voice is strong with this one.