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Ocean Sea
Ocean Sea | Alessandro Baricco
9 posts | 37 read | 11 to read
A handful of disparate lives converge at a remote seaside inn: a lovelorn professor, a renowned painter, an inscrutable seductress - and a beautiful young girl, fatally ill, brought to the sea by a desperate father's last hope. An intricate web of destinies and associations begins to reveal itself, but it is not until the arrival of a mysterious sailor called Adams that the truth in all its dreamlike beauty and cruelty becomes clear. Adams may furnish the key to the girl's salvation, but only the fulfilment of his obsessive secret purpose - to answer murder with murder - can conclude the journey that has brought him from the ends of the earth. Alternately playful and profoundly serious, Baricco's novel surges with the hypnotic power of the ocean sea.
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Ocean Sea | Alessandro Baricco
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#ItTakesAllKinds Day 30: This one is #WithVacation - bought during my book hunting expeditions in Bologna a few weeks ago. Will be sharing my book haul by tomorrow! 💕

Eggs Beautiful 😍 3mo
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Ocan mer | Alessandro Baricco

Océan Mer, est quant à moi un chef-d'oeuvre. Après l'avoir lu 2 fois en une semaine, il me bouleverse encore. Alessandro Barrico est poète, il réussi à trouver les concpets et mots juste pour naviguer la mer, ce sentiment que nous avons tous en regardant cet étendue bleu. Quelque chose qui ne ce nomme pas, Barrico relève le défi. Grâce à la peinture, la science, les mots, l'amour, les relations qu'il introduit par chacun de ce personnages.

Ocean Sea | Alessandro Baricco
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Usually I hate paid-for blurbs on the backs of books, but this one absolutely says it all: “Baricco spins out long sentences, elaborate ropes of words practically absurd in their gorgeousness.” Salon

I would take this farther to say that Baricco‘s rhythm makes his books impossible to put down. One chapter will be sparse and crisp as Hemingway, and the next chapter will be lush and sensual, but he‘s always spot on.🤌🏼

Oceano mare | Alessandro Baricco
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I am posting one book per day from my to-be-read collection. No description and providing no reason for wanting to read it. Some will be old, some will be new - don't judge me, I have a lot of books.

Day 109th

Join the fun if you want!


Oceano mare | Alessandro Baricco
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Whoever knows me knows how deeply I love Alessandro Baricco. This italian author writes the most beautiful stories. Every line is poetry, every time I finish one of his books I feel like it gave me something. He made me fall in love with his peculiar characters, and he always manages to make me feel beautiful through his words.

Xeroaa13 Cosa si perdono i non italiani a non poter leggere Baricco in lingua originale! Oceano Mare e Omero, Iliade sono delle perle 6y
JGadz11 I just recently discovered his work through “Silk” - I can‘t believe I‘ve never heard of him before! His writing is beautiful; I‘m reading Ocean Sea now✨ 2y
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Oceano mare | Alessandro Baricco
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I read this book one years ago, my first book of Baricco, and I absolutely loved it. I'm thinking of re-reading it 'cause this book is amazing. I recommended it. 😍😉

Oceano mare | Alessandro Baricco

Il mare – vide il barone sui disegni dei geografi – era lontano. Ma soprattutto – vide nei suoi sogni –
era terribile, esageratamente bello, terribilmente forte – disumano e nemico – meraviglioso. E poi era colori diversi, odori mai sentiti, suoni sconosciuti – era l'altro mondo.
Alessandro Baricco
Oceano mare

Ocean Sea | Alessandro Baricco
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A playful story about a place that doesn't exist. There's Professor Bartleboom, who wants to know precisely where the sea ends; Plasson, who paints it only with its own water and cannot find a way to begin; Adams, the sailor, from whom it has taken something vital. #awardwinning #booktober

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Oceano mare | Alessandro Baricco

Poi non è che la vita vada come tu te la immagini. Fa la sua strada. E tu la tua. E non sono la stessa strada. Così... Io non è che volevo essere felice, questo no. Volevo... salvarmi, ecco: salvarmi. Ma ho capito tardi da che parte bisognava andare: dalla parte dei desideri. Uno si aspetta che siano altre cose a salvare la gente: il dovere, l'onestà, essere buoni, essere giusti. No. Sono i desideri che salvano. Sono l'unica cosa vera.

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