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To the Sky Kingdom
To the Sky Kingdom | Tang Qi
10 posts | 11 read | 9 to read
When the immortal Bai Qian finally meets her intended husband, the heir to the Sky Throne, she considers herself in luck--until an old enemy returns to threaten everything she holds dear.... When a mortal woman enters the immortal world to be with her true love, she sparks a jealousy that ends in tragedy.... And when a war god depletes his spiritual energy, his devoted student sustains his body with her own heart's blood until the god's scattered soul reassembles.... Spanning a thousand years of tangled lives, To the Sky Kingdom is a story of epic battles, passion, evil, and magic. In its journey across worlds and time, it delves into the powerful forces that drive mortals and gods alike toward revenge, loyalty--and love.
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Here are my #ReadYourKindle picks for May.

Thanks @CBee !

CBee You‘re welcome ☺️ 2mo
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Compré este libro por la serie Eternal Love. Ten peach of peach blossoms. Amé la historia en la serie.
La novela de Tang Qi está contada en primera persona y solo desde la visión de su protagonista, Bai Qian, por lo que sucede con los demás personajes no lo podemos saber. Aun así, es una historia muy linda, aunque admito que conocer la versión televisada ayuda bastante a comprender la historia y sufrir con Bai Qian. 😍

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If you like Chinese mythology/fantasy , this will be for you. Goddess Qian Qian has a life/love calamity that is so painful she asks to have her memories of it taken away. The irony is that she again walks into a relationship with the same immortal. Many battles both personal and physical. A satisfying ending.

FeatherV Crap, adds another book to the reading list 12mo
FeatherV Oh snap it‘s already on my kindle haha 🤦🏻‍♀️ 12mo
Mshookquilts @FeatherV 😂😂 12mo
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I‘m currently immersed in ETERNAL LOVE, and it‘s got me enthralled both for its own self and because it‘s given me so much opportunity to reflect on adaptations. (It‘s based on the tagged book.) In this case, I love how they‘ve used the first person source material as a framework for all the characters who didn‘t get as much attention in the novel. It‘s a great ensemble piece, and I‘m RIDICULOUSLY INVESTED in Fengjiu. Like, 😭😭😭 invested.

xicanti I‘m also interested in how it works with and around the novel‘s queer bits, especially where Li Jing is concerned. Internalized biphobia is, of course, a big issue in the real world, but I think he‘s actually a much more interesting character as someone who makes a terrible mistake because he worries about status than he was as someone who thought he ought to be with a woman because, like, no homo. 2y
xicanti But then, everyone around him THINKS he had this torrid affair with a dude, and he doesn‘t correct them. He just mopes over his lost love for 70,000 years. Nobody seems to have a problem assuming Mo Yuan and Si Yin are off living their “private life,” either. So it‘s another one of those things where nobody says the word gay (or bi), but the stories are still present. 2y
Mybookcafelife I loved this drama! 2y
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xicanti @Mybookcafelife I don‘t want to turn it off! It‘s been on my Netflix list for ages and I‘m glad the book gave me the push I needed to finally watch it. 2y
Mybookcafelife @xicanti I‘ve watched this like 100 times 😂 one of my top favorites. I‘m glad I found someone else who loves it 😁 The book was equally amazing. 2y
xicanti @Mybookcafelife I got the book through Kindle‘s World Book Day freebies, loved it, and realized there was an adaptation while I was randomly browsing my list, looking for a movie. Obviously I ditched the movie plan and queued up the first episode instead. 2y
Mybookcafelife @xicanti that‘s awesome! I didn‘t know kindle had it. My pen pal send it to me. I watched the first 15 mins of the movie and did not like it. It‘s so different. 2y
xicanti @Mybookcafelife I didn‘t even know there was a movie! I‘m enjoying the drama so much I don‘t think I‘d want to see another version. Not for a long time, at any rate. 2y
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I read and loved TO THE SKY KINGDOM last week, and yesterday I discovered it‘s the basis for one of the dramas in my Netflix list! The TV version is called ETERNAL LOVE, and I plan to chip away at its 58 episodes over the next couple months.

writerlibrarian One more c-drama added to my watch list…. 2y
xicanti @writerlibrarian the first episode was promising. 2y
writerlibrarian I'm watching Legend of Yun Xi. I have 5 episodes to go and I'm binging Street Dance China 3 because a Wang Yibo fix is terribly needed. 😂 (edited) 2y
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xicanti @writerlibrarian I‘m still very new to C-dramas; this‘ll be my third! They all look so good, but they always have such a huge number of episodes and it intimidates me. 2y
writerlibrarian If you want recs let me know 2y
xicanti @writerlibrarian I‘m always up for recs! The only two Chinese dramas I‘ve watched are Legend of the White Snake and The Untamed. 2y
writerlibrarian World of Honor less episodes and so so beautiful 2y
xicanti @writerlibrarian thanks! I‘ll add it to my list. 2y
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Read it for the second time and enjoyed it more this time around. It kept me up for several nights because I was so engrossed with it (last read in 2017).

#IReadWhatIWant #SlowlyGettingOutofReadingSlump

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Took a rare day off yesterday and finished this one. Fantastic book! Written by Tang Qi, translated from Chinese so a few bits sound weird but you get the gist. It captures the centuries long love story of two gods in a really captivating way. My only issue was how abrupt the ending felt. Still good for it being free and all. Good for those interested in mythology and romance

3.5 ⭐

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I‘m about to start reading this again. It is about Chinese gods and a love story. It left me wanting more. The ending was wrapped up a little to quickly I think but the story I thought was very interesting. I felt like it‘s different from most reads as well. I would love tang qi to write more of these types of books. She‘s a lovely writer.


Gara2 nonton dramanya jadi kepengen baca novelnya lagi.. One of my favorite book in asian literature section..

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I know I missed a bunch of days. Life has been insane. But today's #ReadJanuary prompt is #royals and I do love me some books featuring high borns. Here are some of my favorites.