#12booksof2020 #integrateyourshelf #12drummersdrumming
Groundbreaking book on the history of racist ideas - perfect for students.
#12booksof2020 #integrateyourshelf #12drummersdrumming
Groundbreaking book on the history of racist ideas - perfect for students.
#12daysofChristmas #12drummersdrumming I pick Keith Moon, nothing short of phenomenal drummer of The Who , because when he played, it sounded like 12 drummers drumming! Wish he had lasted longer but he was one of rocks wild men.
#12DaysofChristmas #12DrummersDrumming I was stuck on this one until I remembered this book sitting in my Kindle #TBR stack. I got it as a deal because of its Hawaii setting but it may be too YA angsty for me.🙄So I'm choosing the Night Marchers, or rather the drummers of the Night Marchers-said to be the spirits of Hawaiian warriors who march mostly at night to the sound of beating war drums. You mustn't look at them!😱Link to more about them👇🏻
For a year, before transferring to a school closer to home, I attended the College of William and Mary. Colonial Williamsburg is such a magical place, and it's somewhere you often hear the #12drummersdrumming
Thank you for such a fun #12daysofchristmas photo challenge to start the holiday season, @LibrarianRyan !