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A Noise Downstairs | Linwood Barclay
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#ANoiseDownstairs Group Read Reading Schedule

EadieB @Andrew65 Oh my! What a challenge to keep up with both reads. Oh well it is #readathon time so that will help. I have read this one already but I do forget parts! I know I enjoyed it. 6y
Andrew65 @EadieB Oh yes! Will keep us on our toes and also spending time at school working tomorrow whilst no one else is in. Also got about 4 1/2 hours driving tomorrow night so very busy! At least the sections look quite small. 6y
EadieB @Andrew65 I haven‘t got my book from the library yet because the one I had, I gave it away. (edited) 6y
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Andrew65 @EadieB That makes it trickier! I had to buy a new copy of A Week in Winter for the same reason. 6y
EadieB @Andrew65 I forgot I did download the audio so I will listen to that tomorrow in between all the cleanup I have to do now that my daughter and granddaughter left today. 6y
Andrew65 @EadieB Audiocleaning 😊👍 6y
EadieB @Andrew65 Yes we have invented a new way to clean using earplugs while vacuuming! I‘m so glad Christmas season is almost over so we can get back to reading without all the frivolities going on around us. Call me Scrooge! (edited) 6y
Andrew65 @EadieB It definitely impacts on reading! 6y
EadieB @Andrew65 It ruins the whole month of December. Too much going on for my liking! All the lights on the top of my tree burned out today and that‘s how I feel too - burned out! 6y
rjsthumbelina I might join this- just depends on how I feel about it tomorrow! Lol. I do have a copy, and haven't read it yet 😉 6y
Andrew65 @rjsthumbelina Already started the book and enjoyable so far. 6y
kspenmoll I so enjoy seeing the books you read- but cannot read at the daily pace realistically! I Enjoy all your posts & discover some wonderful books to stack! @Andrew65 @EadieB I feel lucky this year; was recovering from bronchitis/pneumonia this holiday so it‘s been blissfully quiet- just us. That silver lining...usually I feel like you @EadieB Hope you can relax soon! 6y
EadieB @kspenmoll I find family get-togethers a bit stressful at times! I‘m doing better today! Hope you are feeling better. I‘ve had a sinus infection and just finished my antibiotics - not sure I‘m better yet! (edited) 6y
kspenmoll @EadieB Quiet will get you on the mend! Love holidays but you are right, need to restore. I am lucky to be a teacher so I have until 1/2/19! 6y
Andrew65 @kspenmoll Typical that teachers are ill during the school holidays! Hope you are on the mend and getting better. When did you break up for the Christmas holidays? @Eadieb Agree about family time at Christmas being stressful, and the preparation for it. 6y
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A Noise Downstairs | Linwood Barclay
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Is it possible to receive messages from the dead? Paul Davis has been hit on the head and is writing about that experience as a way of coping. His wife buys him an Underwood typewriter and Paul wakes in the night hearing typing downstairs and wonders if the messages he finds are from two dead women that his colleague, Kenneth Hoffman has killed. A perfect beach read and one of Linwood Barclay‘s best psychological thrillers! #ANoiseDownstairs

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A Noise Downstairs | Linwood Barclay
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“There‘s a noise downstairs...and it‘s not what you think.”

Received an ARC from William Morrrow Publishers today. Can‘t wait to read this one! Linwood Barclay is one of my favorite authors. If you haven‘t read him yet, you should!

rabbitprincess Eeeeee! So excited to get this one when it comes out! I love Linwood's work too 😊 6y
EadieB Yes, he sure is good! 6y
Andrew65 @EadieB I need to get back to some Linwood Barclay! 6y
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