#CoverLove #Bowl
My mother got this for her bridal shower in 1966. I stole it from her when I got married in 1992 for the Christmas cookie recipes 😁
#CoverLove #Bowl
My mother got this for her bridal shower in 1966. I stole it from her when I got married in 1992 for the Christmas cookie recipes 😁
Meatloaf a huge comfort food! My mom used Betty Crocker- her cooking Bible-but she also adapted recipes as she saw fit.This is just one of hers/ mine comfort foods. Also scallop potatoes, spaghetti & meatballs, chocolate chip blondie bars, hot fudge sauce,etc. rolling meatballs after school is a fond memory. #midwintersolace
A request for lemon crinkles. 😄
It‘s Thanksgiving planning time - already! 😅 This year the kids say they‘re going to help. 🤔
Betty has been my Thanksgiving grandmother since 1988. (Edition 1987)