#ThisLife #MartinHagglund #Philosophy #AdventuresinPhilosophy #DeadPhilosophersSociety #StAugustine #secularfaith #Tendere #ToSretchandToStrive #Distentio #BothHoldsTogetherandPullsApart #Saecularis #BoundedbyTime
TheBookHippie ♥️ I am so enjoying this read! 3y
GingerAntics This is mildly terrifying. I am not a fan of Augustine at all. I‘m not sure his intent is what Hägglund is saying it is. This is a man who took his own pathology and turned it into a theology that still haunts the entire Christian world and the larger American culture. 3y
kspenmoll @GingerAntics I don‘t know much about St.Aug. What you are saying intrigues me, especially his pathology part. 3y
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GingerAntics @kspenmoll he is the inventor of original sin, as well as the Christian idea that all things to do with sex is inherently dirty or sinful. Before he became a Christian he was something of a man whore. When he was a bishop he had a debate with another bishop in which he said if people have to have sex, they could at least wait until it‘s dark out. The other bishop responded that he would have sex with his wife whenever and wherever they chose. 😂🤣 3y
GingerAntics @kspenmoll the creepy Christian obsession with purity and virginity didn‘t exist until he came along. I‘m willing to concede that he believed god told him to stop having sex, but that doesn‘t mean it‘s bad or that everyone needs to give it up. I am not willing to concede that god made human reproduction what it was, called it good, then called it dirty and shameful. 🙄 3y
GingerAntics Don‘t get me started on that man. I can‘t even with him. Oh how he has screwed up western civilisation… and he was in bloody ALGERIA!!! He didn‘t even live in the west!!! smh 3y
kspenmoll @GingerAntics Thank you sooo much! Rant on! Your knowledge is so helpful-an eye opener. Especially that he invented original sin & crazy sexual attitudes of the Church-Catholic? Knowing all this, it does make me look at Hagglund‘s rather positive analysis of his writing/philosophy makes me question him. Where is his thesis going? 3y
GingerAntics @kspenmoll yeah, it does make me curious to see where Hägglund is going with this. 3y
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