Completed both my #ClassicsCountdown and my #FriendsPickForMe last month, and looking forward to my new reads this month.
Completed both my #ClassicsCountdown and my #FriendsPickForMe last month, and looking forward to my new reads this month.
3.6⭐️ ok, I‘m still not the biggest D.S. Fan, but I get why my mother liked this one so much. It was good, and much better than the one I read last year by her. #Friendspickforme
I will be doing the #FriendsPickForMe challenge again this year. My mom was willing to give me a book to start off for January… And of course it‘s Danielle Steel 😮💨. What can I say… She likes what she likes! I‘m also doing a classic countdown challenge where I take one of my top 12 classic literature TBR to read each month. 📚Would love to hear about which classics you would use📖
5⭐️ again, no other rating would be worthy of this book. In the next part of Maya Angelou‘s biography, we look at her life as a teenager and young adult. The struggle was real in the heartache is definitely present. This was my older sisters pic for my #FriendsPickForMe Challenge this year.
5⭐️ of course this is a five star read, how can it be anything other. This short introduction into Maya, Angelou‘s life on how she grew up, the experiences she had, and the trauma that she faced as a child. This was supposed to be a #FriendsPickForMe read from last year from my older sister, but I did not get to it. I had to make sure it was completed before I read this years pick from her.
2.5⭐️ I‘m trying to catch up on my #FriendsPickForMe yearly challenge, so this month I‘m reading two. This one was picked by my friend Crystal, and in her defense, she did not read this book before she recommended it to me. With that being said, this is one of those stories that just didn‘t do it for me. Doesn‘t mean other people won‘t like it, it just wasn‘t really for me.
My two additional challenges this year. This month is my moms pick for #friendspickforme and of course it‘s Danielle Steel. I went for the dystopian scratch off for he month and got the Grace Year, which I have heard great things about.