I‘m posting one book a day from my massive collection. No description, no reason for why I want to read it (some I‘ve had so long I don‘t even remember why!). Feel free to join in!
I‘m posting one book a day from my massive collection. No description, no reason for why I want to read it (some I‘ve had so long I don‘t even remember why!). Feel free to join in!
3.6⭐️ ok, I‘m still not the biggest D.S. Fan, but I get why my mother liked this one so much. It was good, and much better than the one I read last year by her. #Friendspickforme
I will be doing the #FriendsPickForMe challenge again this year. My mom was willing to give me a book to start off for January… And of course it‘s Danielle Steel 😮💨. What can I say… She likes what she likes! I‘m also doing a classic countdown challenge where I take one of my top 12 classic literature TBR to read each month. 📚Would love to hear about which classics you would use📖
Finished this one last night, and really enjoyed it. It might have been the first Danielle Steel book I‘ve read where she didn‘t kill off a main character, lol. Would definitely recommend 👰🏻
The cats are pouting cause they miss Nolan, who works out of town for two weeks at a time. 🥺They‘ve been laying in bed all day, on his side of the bed, so I came and snuggled with them, and fell asleep to the tagged audiobook. Now to rewind, and start over. 😅
This afternoons #audiobook.
After almost three weeks, I am finally home and a married woman. Cancun was fun, but I‘m thrilled to be home. Got some good reading time in during our travels and most importantly fell in love with my now husband all over again. Sharing a photo because we are so blessed to have had such an amazing adventure and who better to share with than my book loving friends?
Today marks my Pops and Grams 57th and our 7th wedding anniversary. I found out yesterday while getting a bunch of photos from my cousin that we‘d taken the same photo, 50 years apart. We don‘t wear shoes in our weddings because my Grams broke her foot trying to impress my Pops the night before their wedding. The tradition lives on ❤️. Happy Anniversary to the three most important people in my world. I‘d be lost without you.