I have the luxury of living in a country with strong gun laws so I probably will never know what it‘s like to live in fear after a mass shooting like Columbine. I do remember being unable to both fathom why the US is the way it is about guns, but also how the parents did not know. Reading this book has been very enlightening, plus raising boys of my own. My heart breaks for all involved. #NonFiction2019 #FromAnotherPointOfView #Pop19 #AboutAFamily
Riveted_Reader_Melissa I haven‘t read this one, I know it will be a tough read. 6y
CouronneDhiver I agree with your review completely ... very grateful to live in a place with fewer gun issues 6y
AnneFindsJoy Nicely said! I have had this on my list to read, but never seem to feel strong enough to tackle it - I live in the US with two boys at schools, and this topic saddens, terrifies, angers me! 6y