This is it.
Today is the day I will finish this mammoth read!
Long after my #GWTWReadAlong littens, but I'm nearly there!
This is it.
Today is the day I will finish this mammoth read!
Long after my #GWTWReadAlong littens, but I'm nearly there!
The more I read, the more parallels I see between Scarlett O'Hara and Moll Flanders.
Both strong women, both willing to do anything (and marry anyone) to survive and make the money they need to do so.
I don't really like Scarlett, but at least she is honest about her feelings. Ashley pretends to be noble and yet has very little self control.
#GWTWReadalong #GWTWReadalone
Apparently it only takes a share in murder and putting out a kitchen fire to get Scarlett to like you...
#GWTWReadAlong #GWTWReadAlone
#AugustMostAnticipated #MostAnticipated AKA #AugustTBR
Unfortunately, with August being a busy month, and the fact I am still going with #GWTWReadalong (Can I even still say it's a readalong now? 🤣) I won't be participating with the #BuddyRead this month 😔
I will however be continuing with #LOTRChapterADay and hopefully getting through the other reads I have on the go ☺️
#AndItsAugust #BackToReading