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Candy Cane Christmas | Laura Trentham
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marleed I commented on the solid color of spines of hardbacks on the Crate&Barrel shelves and the salesperson explained they purchased the books for display at BooksByTheFoot.com. I follow them insta now and black spines are cheapest since most common. It makes me wonder if publishers consider spines for current decorating trends. Ie would someone purchase a book anew for its gray spine. Now I find myself checking out the spines of new books! 5y
Kappadeemom @marleed that‘s super interesting. I‘ve also heard of people that made a living out of placing “attractive” books in someone‘s house as decor 5y
marleed I want that job! 5y
LibrarianRyan @marleed there's a recent emphasis on the spine art on books (book jackets). 10 years ago most would have just been a color with words like seen above, but now especially with kids and teen books publishers are recalling making sure they standout from the spine alone. It makes some books stand out more for their lack of spine. +2 5y
marleed @LibrarianRyan Oh interesting. When I browse B&N I always remove the dust cover to look at the color and font on the spine. I‘m even entertained when a new book prints it title horizontal on the spine vs vertical. I‘d love to read about that decision process. Ha - no wonder I love books set in the publishing industry! 5y
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