Nothing sexier than a man with a big book haul #hotdudesreading #BDE
Nothing sexier than a man with a big book haul #hotdudesreading #BDE
So this happened. #hotdudesreading
I'm sorry but... my husband is inordinately cute. #hotdudesreading
My hubby and I are sitting here on a Friday night, reading together. He's reading what is actually a very long book on his tiny phone screen. I have an actual paper book in my hands. We'll share quotes and thoughts from our books as we read. I'm so grateful to have a husband who values reading and it makes me happy to look up and see that handsome man reading next to me as I turn the page.
Julian: "This book reads like a conversation between me and the author. George and I are around the same age. He talks about being thirteen in San Francisco. I grew up in Buffalo, but we still both watched the Power Rangers in the 90s. George is a slam poet and a rapper. And he doesn't actually ruin things. It's more about things not working out. I think George and I are both cynical enough that we don't expect things to go smoothly."
Moderately cute-baby face-guy-reading #HotDudesReading! Harhar!
The delight is obvious because this takes bookporn to another level!