Spending my Saturday night with these lovely guys 😍😍😍😋📚📖
Hot Dudes Reading is a book for book nerds and was created after the success of the Instagram account. This consists of pictures of men reading on all the major New York subway routes followed by cheeky but sometimes way too much over sexualization of the author‘s fantasies. The interviews of the men in the original posts were a good idea but the questions the author‘s asked just made it a little uncomfortable at times.
When your Mum REALLY wants to play matchmaker, but wants you to make all the moves ?. She has the shop next door and watched him leave and then came over promptly to ask about him. I've told her before, I'm fairly certain he has a girlfriend. "That's okay he can stop dating her when he finds out we want him in our family." Good night ? she's persistent!
There‘s no Hot Dudes Reading calendar for next year😕
That‘s it! 2019 is cancelled!
Just finished decorating the shops display table for Saturday!!! #independentbookstoreday I love books about books! Do you have a favorite?
I found this on Streetartglobe's Instagram. I'll post more later. 😉
Hubby and teenage son both expressed their relief that my 2017 Hot Dudes calendar will be vacating the wall soon...so I bought 2018 🤣
So this is my brother in law, reading LOTR (I just gave him) out to my son. Holy cow ladies. Sweetest thing ever.
Can I have a man reading books? 😂
So this happened. #hotdudesreading
From my favorite Instagram account, I'm gonna satisfy a number of my challenges today.
For #seductiveshakespeare - #twogentlemenofverona ...there are two guys reading. @jenniferw88
For #fallintobooks - #someoneelsereading @RealLifeReading
For #awesomeautumnbooks what better to soothe one on a #toughtuesday @jess7
And for #septemberlibrary17 - #malecharacter @librarylooter & @anniekslibrary
These guys could read to me any time. ... when my boyfriend isn't home 😂😂😂
Hot Dudes Reading is one of my guilty pleasures! I follow them on Instagram for some brainy eye candy. 😍#SomeoneElseReading #fallintobooks
We decided the "hot" dudes in the calendar weren't really living up to the name so some edits were in order. #eshaverbookseller
Hot damn! Just like that, 2017 is already better than 2016 😏
Ooooooh yay! 😉😊
2017 is looking like it will be a VERY good year!
High quality literature 🔥🔥🔥
Hot damn! 2017 is gonna be GREAT 😏
I need this. 😜😊
#FunFridayPhoto, Pt. 1: My favorite bookmarks are my sassy bookmarks. I found the elephant one in a used book & can't stop laughing at it. It's holographic--the elephant rubs his butt against the tree when you move it. 😂 I had quite a surprise & lots of laughs when I first found it, lol. 🐘
Moderately cute-baby face-guy-reading #HotDudesReading! Harhar!
The delight is obvious because this takes bookporn to another level!
"All dressed up on the L? This enticing entrepreneur must have a big pitch today. He‘s so adorable that I‘d by whatever he‘s selling. Orange-scented toilet paper? Have to have it. Battery-powered scissors? Completely reasonable. The purrfect cat tower? I‘ll take two." New edition to the coffee table