Rand can write some damn good mind-fuckery, can't she?
#currentlyreading #TheFountainhead #AynRand #philosophy #paperbacks #booksiown #doorstoppers #HowardRoark #DominiqueFrancon #society #characters #wow #bookblurbs #blurbs
Rand can write some damn good mind-fuckery, can't she?
#currentlyreading #TheFountainhead #AynRand #philosophy #paperbacks #booksiown #doorstoppers #HowardRoark #DominiqueFrancon #society #characters #wow #bookblurbs #blurbs
Philosophy, architectural descriptions, society-culture commentary, heroic character, mind-fuckery and aggressive sex. What more do you want in a book?
#currentlyreading #TheFountainhead #AynRand #philosophy #sex #steamy #HowardRoark #DominiqueFrancon #characters #paperbacks #booksiown #doorstoppers #society #heroes
"Don't you know that most people take most things because that's what's given them, and they have no opinion whatever? Do you wish to be guided by what they expect you to think they think or by your own judgment?"
-- Howard Roark, the man who stands for something and stands alone ?
#currentlyreading #TheFountainhead #AynRand #philosophy #doorstoppers #bigassbooks #booksiown #bestcharacters #bookblurbs #blurbs #HowardRoark #hero #life