I‘ve been so good about not feeding my comic book addiction, waiting for the collected trades for series like “Monstress,” but here comes DC Comics getting N.K. Jemisin of “Broken Earth” fame to write a series for them called “Far Sector.” #ComicBooks #ICanQuitAnytimeIWant #ShutUpAndTakeMyMoney #Dammit
LibrarianRyan Ojhhhh. That is tempting. 5y
Zoes_Human If she wrote the instructions for opening a box of Kleenex, I would go out of my way to read it. I love graphics, so I'm definitely up for this. 5y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego I've never really gotten into comic books, but I love everything NK Jemison, so I may be starting. 5y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego @Zoes_Human 🙌🏻 5y
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