Bumper Sticker. #Iwilluseanythingasabookmark
Couldn't find my bookmark, found a straw wrapper. #IWillUseAnythingAsABookmark
I finished the library book. Time to get back to the mystery. #iwilluseanythingasabookmark #JimmyJohnsmenu #ARC #giveawaywinner #minotaurbooks #BloodstainsWithBronte
I needed a bookmark. #iwilluseanythingasabookmark
Once again, I have lost a bookmark. A Zurg playing card is doing the job now. #Iwilluseanythingasabookmark
#Iwilluseanythingasabookmark a napkin was the closest thing to use for a boomark.
I think I was hoping if I whipped up a cutesy bookmark, the book would look less scary. I think it made it worse. #Iwilluseanythingasabookmark