Thank you so much @pocketmermaid for the amazing stack! I'm glad your project got an A! Congrats again on your graduation!!
Thank you so much @pocketmermaid for the amazing stack! I'm glad your project got an A! Congrats again on your graduation!!
Okay, so it's not perfect, but I just wanted to be done with it. A lot of the images don't line up with what I'm saying, but I really just couldn't fiddle with it anymore. Thanks again to everyone who contributed to #jennasfinalproject Link: https://youtu.be/xO0Q22wIJ3o And here's a link with extra info, like the full gallery of all Litsy submissions: https://jennakingham.com/2017/05/06/readers-gonna-read/
Thank you to everyone who contributed a post or two to #jennasfinalproject -- I am overwhelmed with responses! The video is not yet done, but I will post a link when I finish. As promised, my bribe was to send a random person a box of random books. I put all the names into a random name picker and @drbethandherkindle is the lucky recipient of random books from my collection that need a new home. Email me your address: mermaidpants@gmail.com
I was reading on my own by the time I was 4. I graduated to early chapter books pretty early, too. I remember reading my first Nancy Drew when I was in 2nd grade after my Mom pulled it off a shelf to keep me occupied. I devoured the series. That led to The Secret Garden, the Oz series, Dr. Dolittle, and more. However, The Mystery of the Leaning Chimney will always hold a special place in my heart. #jennasfinalproject.
@pocketmermaid Thanks to a friend, I read 7-8 books at a time which I have everywhere- just in case, I find a few minutes to read. #jennasfinalproject
Reading wasn't always fun for me. When I was young, it felt so forced. In school, I had anxiety about reading aloud and the content wasn't all that interesting to me.
Only in college did I find books I enjoyed in the Beatnik genre. Something about the Beats resonated with me- their searching for identity was something I could relate to. Fast-forward ten years later, I will read just about anything. Reading is now my hobby, my escape, my therapy.
Here's my to-read bookshelf and pile for #jennasfinalproject
As for how I became a reader, I really don't know. I struggle to remember a time when I didn't fill my free time with reading - although when I was at university I didn't read as much for pleasure. For me reading is the obvious way to calm down and unwind. And I know it's time for bed when I can't concentrate on my book any more!
I became a reader later than my older sister did, which worried my parents. My sister learned around 3 years of age, and by almost 5 I was still struggling. I still remember the day it clicked and I read a whole paragraph from The Berenstain Bears to my mom while she was getting ready for work in the bathroom. I have never stopped reading since. That's why I love Litsy, too; readers are my people!
I have always been a reader. I worked in book stores for many years but now find myself surrounded by people who don't really read. Litsy is a judgment free haven where people understand all of my obsessions and pet peeves. I have discovered amazing books and amazing people here. I have never been a social media person( I don't even have a Facebook account) but Litsy has become a vital part of my day. Hope this helps! #jennasfinalproject
Hey Littens, you have 90 more minutes (until 4/30 at 9pm EDT) to help @pocketmermaid with her last class of library school. Answer any or all of these questions, tag her and hashtag with #jennasfinalproject. C'mon, you know you want to!