“Roanoke girls never last long around here. In the end, we either run or we die.”
I enjoyed this book, but it has lots of trigger warnings...
“Roanoke girls never last long around here. In the end, we either run or we die.”
I enjoyed this book, but it has lots of trigger warnings...
#LovePrevails #MissingPersonDay
It‘s always the missing person of the party who is murdered. Good thing Jane Austen is on the case!
I recently stumbled across this author and have now read several of her books.
Goodreads blurb:
Everyone has secrets, and Rachel Holloway is no exception. She‘s worked hard to keep the past where it belongs: dead and buried. And so far, she‘s been very successful.
But now the small newspaper where she works wants to produce a podcast on a cold case: the disappearance twelve years ago of little Molly Forster.
#loveprevails #missingpersonday 🔻
#loveprevails #missingpersonday. Came up with 4 books about missing children. I have personally read 3/4 of them.
This novel will have you at the edge ... memorable, suspenseful, unputdownable. Monday is a girl who goes missing...
#missingpersonday #loveprevails
#LovePrevails Day 3: #MissingPersonDay - In this beautifully translated international picturebook from Argentina, a young girl conceives of a passageway in her yard, that is there some days, but not all days. The passageway leads her to someone who made her feel safe, warm, and protected – and who is now gone. But it doesn‘t mean she will stop looking. Full review: https://wp.me/pDlzr-mDh