#AustenInAugust #MostDisagreeable
Colonel Brandon sure has a most disagreeable face deformity!
#AustenInAugust #MostDisagreeable
Colonel Brandon sure has a most disagreeable face deformity!
#Mostdisagreeable has to be Fanny Dashwood. Lucy Steele is no prize either, though. #austeninaugust @Crinoline_Laphroaig
Charlotte Brontë wrote of Jane Austen "I should hardly like to live with her ladies and gentlemen in their elegant but confined houses.‘ She concludes her demolition job with ‘these observations will probably irritate‘. Yes, Charlotte Brontë, they do irritate, as you could hardly have written Jane Eyre unless Jane Austen had previously constructed something worthy of demolition." ? #forshamecharlotte #mostdisagreeable #austeninaugust