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Ch. 5: Notes, p. 41

Kvothe, your Ruh is showing. This is one of my favorite scenes in Kingkiller because it shows the type of relationship Bast and his Reshi have and we get a bit of the “old” Kvothe back, even if it‘s just for a split second. And I‘m still not over the fact that Kvothe just left a note with the most dramatic sentence. Only Kvothe. #EpicBuddyRead #NOTW #kvothethebutthead

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It feels so good to get back into Rothfuss‘s Kingkiller Chronicle in @MinDea and @TricksyTails ‘s #EpicBuddyRead I‘m glad I get to share this world in discussions with both new readers and old :) Thank you for this! #NOTW

TricksyTails Yay! It is so much fun being able to talk about it with all of you! Thanks for joining us and making the discussions a blast. 🤗 7y
AmyG I thank the both of you @mindea and @TricksyTails for doing this. I never ever would have read this otherwise. I am totally enjoying it. 7y
TricksyTails @AmyG I'm so happy you're enjoying the book! It's much more fun reading it together and being able to discuss. 👏😊 7y
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TricksyTails So who's inviting Pat for the next round? 😆 7y
AmyG @TricksyTails Absolutely. It‘s so much more fun to read with friends. ❤️ 7y
MinDea I agree! I don't know if I would have ever picked this book up if we weren't doing this buddy read! Litsy has really helped me read books I want to read. I love the buddy reads! 🤗 Thank you for always participating in the buddy reads I host!!! 7y
nluev It really is! The first time I read Kingkiller, I did a buddy read with my roommate. It‘s so cool that so many people are involved in this one. It makes it so much more fun and everyone else‘s theories are so interesting :) 7y
Andrew65 Reading a book together always helps, and particularly discussing it as the book progresses. Thanks for the time you‘ve put into this and for hosting @MinDea and @TricksyTails 👏👍🙌 6y
nluev @Andrew65 yes, I agree! :) 6y
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