This book was one of my most life changing books. It was one of the moments when I picked up the perfect book in the moment I needed it. #olmanriver #melodiousmusicals
This book was one of my most life changing books. It was one of the moments when I picked up the perfect book in the moment I needed it. #olmanriver #melodiousmusicals
Day 22 of #MelodiousMusicals and we have #OlManRiver from one of my mum's favourites #Showboat. Thinking of the Mississippi brought me to mind books by John Grisham, as well as Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn. However I have chosen to go with Penn Cage and the Natchez Burning Trilogy, the third one of which is called Mississippi Blood. I have loved the first 3 in the Penn Cage Series but yet to read the Natchez Trilogy, possibly over Christmas!