Nothing better than a signed book ❤️❤️ #philippagregory #orderofdarkness #signedbooks #signedbytheauthor
Nothing better than a signed book ❤️❤️ #philippagregory #orderofdarkness #signedbooks #signedbytheauthor
This turned out to be a bit of an ordeal to get through. The storyline felt completely weak and disjointed, especially towards the end when it took a very unbelievable route that seemed completely unrelated to the rest of the story. I was hoping to finish the series before seeing Philippa Gregory talk but I don‘t know if I can do that to myself. #changeling #philippagregory #orderofdarkness
In preparation for seeing Philippa Gregory talk as part of her Dark Tracks tour at the start of February, I have begun my quest to read the first 3 instalments of the Order of Darkness series. I am a massive fan of her Tudor/War of the Roses series‘ so I am looking forward to finding out how her own stories compare to her historical fiction #Philippagregory #Darktracks #Orderofdarkness #Changeling #Stormbringers #Foolsgold #Sheffield