Nothing better than a signed book ❤️❤️ #philippagregory #orderofdarkness #signedbooks #signedbytheauthor
Nothing better than a signed book ❤️❤️ #philippagregory #orderofdarkness #signedbooks #signedbytheauthor
Got my daughter a new book 😂 apparently she was a bit impatient to dig into it 😂 #babyreader #letkidsbekids #juliadonandson #axelscheffer #kidsbooks #asquashandasqueeze
Starting this today :) really looking forward to a bit of nonfiction for a change. I don't often read it.
#sapiens #yuvalnoahharari #sapiens #readongchallenge #books #literature #readthebooks #expandthemind
A brilliant read! Definitely heavy and had to reread a few pages here and there but I'm so glad I finally get to cross this book off my list :)
#readingchallenge #reading #georgeorwell #1984 #readallthebooks #bigbrother #thoughtpolice #thoughtcrimes
This has been on my TBR list for years and I finally settled down to read it :) so far, it hasn't disappointed. It's definitely a heavy read and ive had to reread the odd bit, but I'm loving it! About 50% of the way through now :D #1984 #readingchallenge #reading #georgeorwell #bigbrother #thoughtpolice
Loved this book! A nice quick read to get me back into the swing of things after being ill ❤️ #ransomriggs #missperegrine #readingchallenge #reading #books #literature
Sorry for being so quiet recently! Been battling the flu for 2 weeks and then had dental surgery on Friday! Finally finished Inferno! #readingchallenge #reading #books #literature #danbrown #inferno
This is usually my go to book when I'm putting the kids to bed or struggling after a run ❤️
Maybe I'm just not the Autobiography type of reader :/ finding this read a bit slow #reading #readingchallenge #iammalala #autobiography
This quote so perfectly describes me 😂 #disney #bookworm #noseinabook #reading #books
Next book for the year :) #readingchallenge #philippullman #hisdarkmaterials #bookworm
Literally cannot rate this book enough! It gripped me start to finish ❤️ it's going to take something special to top this book
#darkmatter #blakecrouch #amazingbook #bookhangover #readingchallenge #book4
Nothing nicer than a homemade Salted Caramel Latte to accompany a good book ❤️ #darkmatter #blakecrouch #bookworm #coffeelover #loveearlymornings
In the blink of an eye, I'm 100 pages through this book ❤️❤️❤️
Now, I'm not sure if I just wasn't in the right frame of mind, or it was the book. But I got to page 57/250 and just couldn't get into this book.
I think it's the kind of book that's more suited to be an audiobook so maybe I will see if that exists and try again.
#dnf #readingchallenge #books #reading #carriefisher #theprincessdiarist
This was an ok read. I'm not a gymnastics fan but saw Simone Biles compete in Rio and she fascinated me. So small with so much power.
The only thing I'm disappointed in, was how slowly the book seemed to progress then all of a sudden she had competed in Rio and it was all over.
I'd have like to have leant more about Simone and her life rather than Completion - Medal - Competition - mess up - competition - Rio - win!
I can't say I fully enjoyed this book. the book is based in the years between Revenge of The Sith and A New Hope and only covers a period of around a month.
The writing was good but maybe it just wasn't my kind of book. I would recommend the book for star wars fans looking for a fix though.
I'm not usually a fan of these kind of books but Ive said I'm going to try and read different kinds of books this year :) #readingchallenge #book2 #2018readingchallenge #starwars #lordsofthesith #fangirl #darthvader
5* - A brilliantly written and emotional story! If you had told me that a book written from the POV of a horse would grip me and I'd finish it in 1 day, I'd have laughed at you!
I fell in love with Joey, felt his fear, pain and joy. I wish there had been more, but at the same time, the book was perfect ❤️
Finishing off the year with this beauty #jkrowling #fantasticbeasts #screenplay #bookworm #bibliophile #bibliophilebecky #readallthebooks
"Nowadays, people know the price of everything, but the value of NOTHING..."
Probably even more of a relevant quote now than it was when Wilde wrote it ❤️
I've loved this quote for years but have never gotten around to reading the book, that will hopefully change in 2018! #TBR #OscarWilde #bookquotes #quotestoliveby #aquoteaday
Is this the best book for learning about suicide and depression? No.
But, in my opinion, it is well written, emotional, engaging and thoughtful. It shows how much one seemingly insignificant thing can impact someone's life so much and the consequence this can have.
I have suffered with depression myself so this book did hit close to home. But it's still recommend it as a short read (took me two days to complete)
One of 3 bookshelves I have! I have no shame!! #iwantmore #readallthebooks #addicted
My last #bookhaul of 2017!! My #TBR list for 2018 is complete 😂 will do the final count tomorrow #bibliophile #bibliophilebecky #booksbooksgloriousbooks #ilikebigbooks