This is my last post from #PennedCon17. I know next to nothing about this book but think it had THE BEST cover of the entire event. Now we know I'm a #covergirl so I had to buy the book with the #bestcover.
This is my last post from #PennedCon17. I know next to nothing about this book but think it had THE BEST cover of the entire event. Now we know I'm a #covergirl so I had to buy the book with the #bestcover.
Something you should know I'm not a fan of time travel novels. I'm just not. But Litten @AprilWhiteBooks talked me into her series and I willing shelled out cold hard cash for a time travel novel. It won a Library Journal Indie Award and sounds really interesting. Plus I am pretty sure it's on Kindle or Kindle unlimited free or pretty cheep. Most of the books I've posted can be found on Kindle and many can be found on other platforms. #pennedcon17
I spent a few days arguing about this book cover in another group. I liked it and and thought it worked. So I thought I better read it. The Helen hardy book I think everyone got in their welcome bag. #pennedcon17
I was happy to see a cover redo on Kaleidscope and the series by Kristen cool just looked too interesting. So I had to buy book one of each. #pennedcon17
I won't lie, I bought this book to get the shoe book free. I'm easy when it comes to books and good covers. #pennedcon17
Until I met these authors I had never heard of DieselPunk. But I think this book looks fantastic. The second book is not my normal genera but I won it so I'm game. And for those wondering, because I had to ask, dieselpunk is similar to Steampunk but instead of Victorian time and feel, it's a world war 1 time era and feel. Think Boogie Woofie Bugle Boy from Company D. The authors even dressed up. So fun #pennedcon17
Two of my #pennedcon17 purchases. Beauty has been on my TBR for a while and Asylum not only sounds awesome but helps me grow my POC author collection. #WeNeedDiverseBooks and I can't wait to read this one.
Met Angie Fox in the Valet line at #pennedcon17. She was a hoot. She gave Michelle and I this title. Then later between the two of us we bought the entire southern charm collection.
Michelle and I are taking a break. They close the signing rooms for lunch. #pennedcon17