I‘ve been home on holiday, so imagine my surprise when there was a card in the post box to go pick up a parcel. I get myself there, only to be handed this.
I‘ve been home on holiday, so imagine my surprise when there was a card in the post box to go pick up a parcel. I get myself there, only to be handed this.
I know I‘m super late posting this and have been MIA from most social media lately because we welcomed a new little one into our life about 6 weeks ago! But I‘m back and have been missing all my #Litsy time!
These teas have been so nice for the early mornings and perfect fall days❤️ thank you!! @BookishTrish @TheKidUpstairs @drokka
Thank you so much for this postal club this summer! It has been one of my faves!
Thank you all so much for sharing my obsession and being such a supportive community! Happy Thanksgiving to you all, especially my fab reading groups past and present #theCanadiantour #seatosea #screamsbymail #moosemoose #steepedinstories #TeamHellboundheart 😘
My spirits are high as I snuggle in to my #seatosea read and a delicious cups from my final #steepedinstories package ❤️ Thanks @MPick
#steepedinstories is heading home @TheKidUpstairs ! Pleasure reading with you ladies! The next #screamsbymail is heading your way @danibolahood
Right, well hopefully this time my #PoutineAndPaperbacks selection gets to you @DebbieGrillo
@CouronneDhiver I received your card (as seen above), thank you and I‘m sure you‘ll offer an amazing pick again. (No pressure though).
@TheKidUpstairs I‘m nearly done the last #steepedinstories then I‘ll do the off cycle book and send it off.
(It‘s called Reflections of Norway by Ink Circles - what I‘m working until the rest of the last one is ready)
I have five pages left. Five. Please stop. Biggest pet peeve. 🙄 #readingproblems #imsoclose #steepedinstories
This. "Solitude is fine, being alone is fine. Being lonely is not."
#SteepedinStories @drokka @BookishTrish @MPick