So good! Difficult to read now, but also helpful to hear her voice. My best book of 2018 so far.
So good! Difficult to read now, but also helpful to hear her voice. My best book of 2018 so far.
This is the best book I‘ve read in 2018 so far! I‘m happy to be rediscovering my love of poetry with the #poetrychallenge2018 , and Mary Oliver is definitely a new favorite! Thanks for the giveaway! #THEWALLSARECLOSINGIN
4.5/5🚨. Energizing and deep all at the same time. A book that makes you consider your life, your being, and your soul. #thewallsareclosingin
Best of 2018 so far
My favorite book thus far in 2018. It is the story of Mr. Bones, a mutt, and his master, Willy G. Christmas. He is a troubled homeless poet, in and out of his mother's home. Mr. Bones is his constant companion. His mom dies. On his last legs, Willy and his dog travel to Baltimore, where we hope his high school English teacher still lives. He wants to give her his life's work and his dog a place to call home. Thanks @Liberty #thewallsareclosingin
I've only finished four books so far this year (I think..wait, a few comics too but not going to count those for this) and two were blah and the other two were good in different ways, but Glass Sword made me desperately want to read the next one so that's something, right? That counts. I'm counting it. Such a pretty cover though!
#giveaway #thewallsareclosingin #audioposting @Liberty
#thewallsareclosingin #24in48
@Liberty I found my favorite read of 2018 so far during the readathon.
This slim 26-year-old novel, based on the Chappaquidick incident, feels relevant during today‘s #timesup movement. And Oates does an AMAZING job of putting the reader in Kelly‘s place during this most crucial moment of her life.
Best read in one setting.
..my fave so far this year @Liberty #THEWALLSARECLOSINGIN
Best book of the year so far! The pace seems slow but draws you in, and the story is full of forgiveness and grace. #THEWALLSARECLOSINGIN @Liberty
Best book I've read so far this year! Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on you! :) #thewallsareclosingin @Liberty
#thewallsareclosingin @Liberty "Six Wakes" takes place in space but it reads like a locked-room mystery. Six clones wake up disoriented in anti-gravity ... amid floating blood and bodies, the bodies being their previous incarnations. Because they had been violently murdered, they didn't have time to download recent memories so they have to piece clues together, while they each try to keep their secrets secret. #bestof2018. ?✨??✨